
I want to be a pro golfer, can I do it?

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I live, and breathe Golf. It is my life. And it owuld be great to make it my job. And have it b

I'm a good golfer.. nothing like I need to be to make it. But I feel like I was born to play golf, ands tudy golf. I know golf more then anything. People say I am young with an old spirit.

I'm 19, I like to work the ball, I know all the rules, and just about everything about the game, besides the exprices.

I feel like I could make it.

I shoot in the 70's..

And I would like to say I am smart. My girlfriend wants me to go for it if I feel like it. BUt I don't know how that will effect our lives. We are planning on getting married. And if I was to focus on that and not make it.. I couldn't handle putting her through that. I want her to follow her dreams.. and she said she will, but she wants to do this if I believe I can. I believe I can.

I feel like I know Golf better then anyone.

SO what are some steps I could take to becoming a pro? DO you think I should go for it




  1. What's your handicap?

    Go for it.

    It's very hard to become a pro, like I assume you're talking about, on TV earning loads of money...

    But if it's your dream then nothing should stop you.

    Good luck!!

    P.S get contacts.

  2. I played in the mini tours in the south east foe about 4 years in the middle 1990's before I grew up.  I had the same feeling you do about golf, and still do, but I had to grow up and get a real job.  As a job you can make decent money from the winnings.  I made about 70K / year, and that was playing golf!!!!  Who could ask for better than that.  I even won once.  The lifestyle is rough, always traveling and never sleeping at home, and it was expensive too.  (Thats when gas was only about 1.50 / gallon and now its twice that, so it would be much more expensive to play.)  I would tell you to go for it when you think your ready but, to be honest, 70's aint good enough.  I can still shoot in the 70's now, and I only play 2 times a month, and its 10 years and 50 pounds later since I played on the mini's.  You need to be consistantly below par, I mean that.  Hears the are most likely playing regulation courses that are not set up for a tourney.  any one of those guys on the mini's would come to one of those, arm themselves and go out and shoot under par.  So to prepare yourself get into a few tourneys and see how they set up the course.  (Pins will be different, yardages increased,  rough will be higher, greens faster.)  When you play normally play with that in mind.  

    With all that being said 70's is really good for being 19.  I would suggest you transform that passion into a golf scholarship, if you cannot make DI, then try D II.  Not only will you be getting an education (something to fall back on incase golf doesn't work out)  It will give you some coaching and experience for when you get out of college, and then you can try to make it as a pro.  

    Good luck.

  3. Well as you say it is difficult. You'd probably need to have a few rounds in the 60s before you think about entering proper tournaments, as its no fun knowing you may not be able to shoot as low as some people

    Is a highly competitive sport at the top level but i wish you the best of luck

  4. First, you do not know golf better than only nineteen, you should understand that...I am a golf coach / trainer in Florida, with a number of NationWide Tour players in my stable...I have a strong understanding of the requirements involved with becoming a tour support, immense self-belief and confidence, incredible desire and dedication, personal discipline, heart of a lion, nerves of steel, crazy abnormal talent, and the ability to fire off a 62 on a given day. You must have a true-quality place to practice and play six - ten hours a day. Good Luck!

  5. you might could you have to just practice but i have faith in you

  6. To be completely honest, at a 4 handicap, you are far far off.  You'll need to take about 8-10 strokes per round of your score and then ask the question again.  Work hard and good luck!

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