
I want to be a professional assasin for the cia how would i go about doing that//any secret organization realy

by Guest58416  |  earlier

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a legal hitman not of any mafia personel but for the govt....but not the army or any military branch....stricktly govt......




  1. You have seen one to many movies....

  2. Just use your ninja breathing skills to find a home

  3. y would you wanna help them out find your own cause then persu it

  4. Play all the  metal gear solid games on very high difficult !!

  5. Well, this is cute.

  6. I think they have a spelling test so you would be out.

  7. hello, the military is the govt

  8. They would come to you.  

    But it sure won't help by posting it on Y/A!

    Do well in school, don't get involved with the police (arrested) and something might come your way

  9. rent a few Police Academy movies and take some notes.

  10. I think you would have to prove yourself in the army before you would get taken seriously as a potential CIA operative.

  11. just the fact that u would ask this absolutely idiotic question tells the whole world your not intelligent enough to work for the cia.

  12. You will need too have Lots of Martial Arts training and be a Excellent shot. Plus be able too Keep Your Mouth Shut! And be a Heartless Prick! Then you will need too prove yourself in the Military. If you can handle "Seals" Training, you might have a Shot. (get it!)

    Better Dead then Red!

  13. If you can't spell "assassin," you can't be one.

  14. Good for you. A man with a future. Well you could apply to the CIA, although I am not sure you would pass the mental testing. Why don't you join the Marines instead?

  15. Ask the Clinton's.

  16. im pretty sure the gov;t uses army/military personal to kill people. i doubt that they have random people from yahoo answers go over to iraq and kill powerful terrorists

  17. keep a clean record.  no automobile mishaps, no fights.  

    Good grades indicate that you can keep focus and you're serious about the things you persue.

    Edit: And yes, you'd probably end up as a sniper in a branch of the military--as the person above me said, the military is the government.

  18. You failed their test already. You said too much. Asking questions in a public forum? What are you thinking? You're relying on others. You, sir, are a liability.

    You must be terminated. Erased.

  19. 1. join the armed forces for a while and suck as much training you can.

    the marines are a very good place to start.

    navy seal traingi is very good.

    2. learn a few languages, at least 3apart from english. you need to learn how to act and speak in a way that you dont look american. you ahve to learn to disguise yourself fast and convincingly.

    master your geography classes and history too. you need to know as much as you can so you can predict your victims movements and hiding based on etnicity.

    3 or 4 years of psychology will come handy..that way you predict emotions of people and who knows, make them kill themselves so you dotn have to get your hands dirty.

    3. the military is the govt. so..thats a difficult one.. getting the job is difficult, but even more difficult is to pick who hires you.

    4. make sure you leave the military, because if you are in, you are not going to get any jobs. you have to do freelance job.

    the u.s armed forces have people in south america killing people making it look as accidents or murders by the locals, i have heard the pay is good, but if you get caught or anyhting happnes to you, are on your own.

    5. other choice you have is to make friends wiht cia, or fbi,..very often they need some dirty job done. you could be their guy.

    good luck on your career choice..

    and remember keep it a secret not even your sife has to know.

  20. you cant do it this on your mission have to go through special traing in the miitary then they would have to approach you about things of that really cant go knocking on a door.train hard get lucky

  21. to work in cia u need to be american national. You need to have perfect background. Try applying it to them. You will have various tests. But not many pas thru it.

  22. Most of those are recruited out of the Army............but to join the CIA you can go to the website and take a test if you pass a background check and have proper edu/experience.

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