
I want to be a psychologist but doesnt??

by  |  earlier

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it require a lot of hard work and schooling? and you have to be really smart. and im not good at math lol.

what should i do? i really want to help people and have a high paying job.




  1. Haha, well let me brag about my future occupation, lol.  Consider speech language pathology. I was thinking about psychology too, and nursing, and teaching...and generally tossing around those ideas for years. While being an SLP does require 6 years of school to obtain a masters degree, you do not need math skills =) It is high paying if you work outside of the school system and you have the opportunity to work in different settings with different populations.  You help people greatly, it is rewarding, and I find it to be a lot of fun.  

  2. It will definitely require better than a third grade education. English grammar, capitalization, and punctuation will be a must. You've got a lot of work to do - I'd get started right away if I were you.

    And "lol" will probably not be acceptable in your homework either. Best of luck.

  3. It requires a doctorate...which means 4 years of undergrad, 1-2 masters, then maybe 5 more for a doctorate.

    You do have to be intelligent and committed to schooling.

  4. i think you need to sharpen your english too "it require" and even your question name doesn't make any sence, however we all have our weaknesses mine is spelling. i have a 91% average in school but my spelling mark is always bad but, i work at it i moved it up from a 75 to an 82 last year so just study hard

    remember we ALL want high paying jobs that help people but only a certain few get them, for example i want to be a lawyer ive studied law since i was 7 (not like case law but books like "crazy canadian laws") and now I'm 13 and i now am starting to study case law. its hard work but i know its going to pay off so i think you should study the Freudian theory and human behavior now, not tomorow right now! if it gets boring think "sacrifice the pleasure of now for the rewards tomorrow" and it will inspire you to push on.

    but you may not be cut out to be a psychiatrist, accept it and choose a easier carrier path there is a high demand for skilled blue collar workers.  

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