
I want to be a superhero when I grow up. How do I start preparing?

by Guest21549  |  earlier

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I want to be a superhero when I grow up. How do I start preparing?




  1. You could learn how to fly and be bullet proof? But, I think your best bet would be to address your costume. You might get that part done. LOL

  2. The only kind of superhero you could aspire to become is the kind that doesn't really have superpowers at all, but rather store bought goodies like Batman and Ironman, who for the most part are very affluent Americans with a buttload of cash.  How do you prepare? I would advise investing in oil at the moment, it seems to get going through the roof, if that doesn't get you rich then I dunno what will.

  3. go to medical school duh...........

  4. get hit by lighting. if u dont die u will have some superpowers. a pair of tights would help.

  5. 1.  Run into an electrical plant and hope that you walk away with a mutated energy core.

    2.  Find some comfortable tights.

  6. Eeeerrrmmmm- go and touch some radioactive rock or get bitten by a deadly spider.

  7. die your underwarea bright pink color and wear it outside you pants. wear a cape, excercize, and get yourself a side kick.

    then jump off the nearest building. (Im not responsible for any death that may occur).

  8. Treat others, as you would like to be treated.

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