
I want to be a teen model but i don't how to get started?

by  |  earlier

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Well i am 14 years [about to turn].But i don't know how to get started.Can you guys help me becasue i want to became a model so bad. HELP




  1. If this is something you really want to pursue because you believe it will make you happy and it's not just for dreams of becoming famous then I suggest you tell you're parents.

    If they support you have them help you look up legit agencies and contact them and schedule an interview.

    If you are accepted by an agency then they will help you do everything they can to help you.

    No matter what people say you do not have to be a certain height to qualify you to be a model, especially as a teen.

    I'm only 5'5'' and my agent said that the only thing that would be a little hard to do is high fashion, but she said it's not impossible. She said some of the best models out there right now are not super tall.

    And also, don't set unrealistic dreams of becoming a famous supermodel etc. because in all honesty there is only a very small percentage of people who make it big.

    And another thing, focus more on your education  and having fun as a teenager then trying to become a model. Your education will take you further in life than modeling probably ever will.

    Hope this helped

  2. Pretty, is right after all. you're still young but anyway if you want to become a model, tell your parents first and they can help you out. to be a model, you need to be tall and lean. very fit and healthy with confidence

  3. look at my site

  4. You are only 14 years old...why don't you worry about your school work and getting good grades...That will take you far in life then a "modeling" career.

  5. I want to become one too!!

    Find an agent somewhere near you.There're plenty out there,

  6. Find a good agent.

  7. all i know is that you need to make a profolieo

  8. When you find out tell me!

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