
I want to be a vagitarian?

by  |  earlier

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how would I?




  1. Get yourself a lot of girlfriends.

  2. Weeell....

  3. I'm glad that you wanna be vegetarian, I've been veggie for four years, and it's pretty rewarding. Now, don't think that being vegetarian isn't just not eating meat, you have to make sure that your still get protein and amino acids, So I'll list some foods to keep you healthy...

    1) Tofu

    2) Soy products -Morning Farm, Boca, etc-

    3) Beans -beans and rice give you your amino acids-

    Now there's more but I'll just give you the link to, it has a page that helps you choose the right foods to stay healthy.

    I hope this helps!!

  4. Well first you have to find the right female..

  5. So many to eat, so little time.

    But remember, you'll need some real food also.

    Man does not live by "vagi's" alone.

    But if you die from malnutrition, at least you'll die happy.

  6. learn to spell it correctly first lol

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