
I want to be a vegatarian, Plz help?

by Guest58216  |  earlier

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Im going to start by giving up red meat, then chicken, then fish and then all other meat products: just to get by body use to it. Im 19 years ol and im doing it for religious and personal reasons

Can anyone give me the health benefits? what happend to you>

Any side effects(besides gas)?

whats the chances of losing weight?

i dnt want websites, personal experiences




  1. you will be healthier

  2. You're doing it the correct way, gradual.  When I stopped eating eggs, that was the only way I could stick to it.

    Lost weight because the only form I ate eggs in was in junk food, so that was a no brainer.

    Losing weight should not be of concern when going veg.  The important thing to do is to realize that when you give something up, you have to replace it with something.  You may find it useful to use fake meat, but it's cheaper and healthier in the long run to substitute it with rice/wheat and beans/lentils; not to rely on pasta.  Veg cooking books are a good resource for that.

    If you use the correct spices and cooking technique, you shouldn't experience gas.  If you soak beans overnight, the water will take away most of the gas, and certain spices act as a beano for avoiding excessive gas production.

  3. vegatarions usuasly are thin but thats not nesicarly bad and if you want something fun to eat that has not meat try

  4. Unless you adjust your diet accordingly, you probably won't lose weight going vegetarian. I did, but I also gave up a ton of junk food.

    Veg*nism is not Weight Watchers.

  5. What religion calls for being a vegetarian?  Hey, to each their own I guess.

    I disagree with the answer that you'll be healthier.  You won't necessarily be less healthy, but no healthier.  I eat what I doggone well please (in moderation) and exercise, and I'm in great physical shape AND in good health.

  6. First, you will have to give up milk, yogert, butter, or anything that comes from a cow (no more regular pizzas with cheese or toppings on it). Eggs too are taboo to veggitarians.

    But you will end up being healthier and probably thinner which is great. I wanted to be veggitarian but its too hard to to give up all things produced by animals, I guess thats what the majority of society depends on.

  7. u might lose weight but it is not guarenteed. Most veggies are usually low in calories so u can eat more than u could if u were eating meat.

    As far as i no, there are side affects.

    btw. u should eat more beans and things high in protien to make up for the meat u r not having anymore.

  8. If you do it the right way (you know eating healthy and balanced) then it's amazing the effects you get. You feel more energetic. You drop weight like that. At first it's hard but it gets easier as you do it. \

    Stick with it and don't get upset if you mess up. Just know for next time.

    Good luck and I hope you stick with it.

  9. unless your really carfull, at first you'll almost always loose some weight.  I lost maybe 22 lbs.  but i acted on the moment. i had no idea what i was doing.  it was like my weight was falling from a cliff.  but now i know better and i'm maintaining.  

      the health benifits well if your also going to be careful about what you eat, you probably will consume less fat and carbs at your main dish instead of meat.  if you want a 'burger' one day, MOrning Star cheddar veggie burgers are wondurful, and full of protein.  if you eat enough, i know i feel better and less dragged on.  I feel lighter and happier, ecspecially knowing i'm doing something good, just don't under eat.  be sure to get your calories in or you might get lightheaded, and again with the weight thing.  you also want to avoid passing out.  if your going to continue eating dairy, eggs with any pepper jack (or other) cheese., peaches n cream reduced sugar oatmeal, cereal with added nuts, or fruit, or wheat toast and blueberries are some of my favorite breakfasts, and healthy too.

      Maybe that covers it all.  Good Luck!

  10. I only lost about 15 pounds the first few months I started. I never experienced more gas either. LoL. In fact I think it was less. I'm not a bean freak. But it is a good substitute for protein.

    I didn't have a problem going from eating meat one day to going completely cold turkey the next *no pun intended*. Your body will get used to it in one day. It's not like nicotine. You won't get meat jitters. You might crave it, but it never drove me crazy when my family was having burgers and I was having, well, whatever I ate.

    Heath benefits. It depends on how far you are willing to dedicate yourself to this. I mean, I still, well I used to eat junk food. Most snacks don't have meat products in them. It's not like a vegetarian diet is always uber healthy. It all depends on the individual.

  11. 1. There are no health benefits.

    2. You will look like a goth.

    3.You will lose weight.

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