
I want to be a vegetarian and I cant stop eating meat? How to stop?

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How can I make myself used to not eating meat? I really want to become a vegetarian and I don't want to be a part of the culture that helps and causes the sacrifice of animals so I can survive when I can actually survive off of bread, vegetables and other good things. But I always forget and I always end up with a turkey sandwich in my hands or a cheeseburger. I feel terrible because once I am eating it I think about the animal and how it could have been slaughtered, then I usually don't eat the last bite but I feel bad cause by then I ate most of it....

I truly in my heart want to be a vegetarian. I do not want to eat animals anymore! But in my culture it is what we are used to and I want to kick the habit! How can I do it?

What did you all do to help yourselves when you became vegetarian?




  1. Just think how horrible it is to kill and eat an animla like that! Just think, how do you think it would feel to be locked up going to a slaughter house!

  2. You don't have to give up meat to care about animals. Read The Compassionate Carnivore by Catherine Friend.

    But if you really want to... make sure the people you eat with know your desire to be vegetarian. Be mindful of what you are eating all the time. Get used to ordering vegetarian. Think about what you will order before you get to a restaurant and take your time and don't rush with the menu. Learn how to cook vegetables well. Experiment with other types of foods: beans, veggies, grains, etc.

  3. Just start out slow.  Try giving up red meat first.  Write off cheeseburgers and steaks, then you can at least feel like you accomplished that much.  Don't beat yourself up about eating a turkey sandwich, you've already made the committment to not eat the cheeseburger!  It's a step in the right direction.  After a few months, give up chicken and turkey.  Then  when you're ready give up fish and seafood.  It took me a long time to give up all meat.  And eventually I have started eating fish and seafood again, but I am choosy about how they were raised and where they came from etc.  

    Also, one thing to try is just start at home.  Quit buying meat, but if you eat out, tell yourself it is ok to have the chicken.  At least you will be cutting back, and eventually you won't want it.

    Learning how to cook good veggie food at home is really important I think.  I prefer to eat food that I cook rather than going out, but it took me a while to get to that point.  

    Good luck and have fun with trying new things!

  4. I know a lot of people won't like this suggestion, but what really made me go vegan and stick to it was watching undercover slaughterhouse investigations.  

    I think every culture is used to eating meat, not just yours. Also you should read some books about vegetarian ethics and why we don't eat animals.

    Earthlings Documentary:

  5. I phased it out gradually and the less you eat it, the less you want it, I was down to eating it only 1-2 times a week before I stopped altogether.  Also get some Boca burgers, so you can still enjoy the cheeseburger taste, w/out the guilt.  Next time you go to the grocery store, stock up of different kinds of vegetarian meals and snacks, and that way when you get hungry you have an alternative to a meat product.  Almost everything that has meat in it, you can get a vegetarian version of, good luck :-)

  6. Oh, when you go buy things, instead of buying meat, get vegetarian things. If you like the taste alot, but feel bad for the animals, buy "SCHNEIDERS oh naturel" food, it tastes like meat, but it's not real meat.

    Ps: the SCHNEIDERS oh naturel stuff is so real, when I tasted the food, I had to check the ingredients to make sure it had no meat.

    If that didn't help, try not making the things that can involve meat...wait, that's alot of things...

    Try making things you usually don't put meat in.

    Hope it helps!

  7. Find some really disgusting meat, like the sickest thing you can think of.  Go to some vietnamese market and get like a reproductive organ of some kind.  Then grill it up and force it down.

  8. watch disgusting videos on animal slaughter and how disgusting the process is from converting dead animals to meat and you won't want to ever eat meat again even if you decide to quit being a vegetarian

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