
I want to be a vegetarian but my parents don't support it?

by Guest60894  |  earlier

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I've wanted to become a vegetarian for a while, but my parents insist that I "must eat meat for a healthy diet". I'm only fifteen, and I still have to go by their rules, but when I eat meat, I cringe. I've tried to convince them many times but they just don't get it. Help?




  1. Maybe if you provided them with some literature on the benefits of being a vegetarian and how you can suppliment the nutrients of meat?

  2. I'm 15 and have been a vegetarian since i was 13 and my parents don't support it at all. We still fight about it but I am staying vegetarian you have to do whats right for you and form your own opinions and stand up to your parents it's all apart of growing up.  

  3. phoneix why give her a websites for FACTS that is a biased website????what do you think is going to be on that website..the truth...its like me interviewing the head of the meat industry and asking if meat is good, him saying yes and me using that as fact.......if you want FACTS go to an unbiased website supported by the government

    what i also find funny is that if a child wants to be vegetarian...the parents have to accomodate her...where as if a child wants to eat meat in a veggie house she gets refused and you all back her parents up saying they get to choose

  4. Here is what you do.  You print up a REPORT for your parents to read.  Not only will this impress your parents with the fact that you do your research, but it will educate them as well.  Research the health benefits of a vegetarian diet and the harmful effects meat has on your health, print up a report and READ it to your parents.

    If you want to really impress them, take it a step further and go into the harmful effects the meat industry has on our planet as well.

    Here is a good place to get started:

    Good luck!

  5. If you resolved to become a vegetarian, nobody can prevent it. However, I guess you should visit an endocrinologist. May be this will do you harm.


    hope your mom gets fat, then is dying to loose weight

    tell her that oprah proposed the 21 day vegetaraian diet (true) and tell her that you and her should try it together

    i did this, and now i've been vegetarain for 3 months

  7. Download the "Meet Your Meet" into your mobile device & show them!

  8. You are still growing and need a high-quality diet. Wait till you're 18 or so, when your body will tolerate a less varied diet that offers lower quality nutrition.  

  9. You need to be able to make up a diet plan for yourself, and print out research on the foods and diet to show that you will still be able to get the proper nutrients. Also, consult a doctor, and have them come with you on your visit and talk it through with the doctor.  

  10. My aunt just became a vegetarian and was telling me about it... If they are worried about your health explain to them that there are other ways to get protein and stuff like pills and protein shakes or whatever, and tell them that vegetables are better you don't always have to cook them, and they don't spoil as quick as meat products do.

  11. I have the exact same problem as you. My parents won't let me be a vegetarian either. So here's what I'm doing: I try not to eat meat whenever possible(that is, when they're not watching or I don't eat dinner at home), and I go by the basis that I have a whole lifetime to do what I want. In other words, I've resolved that I will go veg once I'm out of the house. I'm going to gr12 in the fall, so it's only another year. And here's another tip: don't tell your parents about your anti-meat beliefs. It'll cause them to freak. Just act like you're not vegetarian and show more preference for meat-free dishes. That way, they won't suspect anything. You're not doing anything bad. It's just that the society here is big on meat and protein, so that's why your parents are like that. Meat is also viewed as a luxury by many cultures. So don't worry, it's only another three years or so...just until you move out, especially if you're going away for college, like I am. I wanted to go veg since I was eight. I just kept it in my heart all this time. People don't accept others that easily though- there's a lot of bias towards people like us. So basically don't show it out, keep it in, that's the best approach. Then one day when you're on your own, tell them how you felt at this age and declare openly that you are a vegetarian. Then it's their choice to accept it or not, and they can't stop you then because you'll be an adult. When you can, don't eat meat. But if you have to, unfortunately, you may be forced to comply. It's just a small inconvenience, although it's horrible. Just put up with it, then do your own thing.You're old enough to know your own beliefs.

  12. You are a technically a minor living at home with no means to support yourself ( I assume). At this stage of your life, you have very little choices and one of them is to follow what your parents say. parental support is not automatic. Your parents will not and should not support you if they believe what you are doing is wrong.

    They have their reasons as to why they don't want you to do it. How about thinking of them for a change and ask yourself how YOU can support them? Maybe it is you who doesn't get it.

    Vegetarianism is a lifestyle choice not a right or privilege that parents NEED to extend support to their kids. some parents do, some parents don't. Yours don't so live with it..

    If you can convince them that it is not really any different from a "regular" diet in terms of nutrition and cost, maybe they would consider it. So the burden is on you not on them.

  13. Hi, my parents don't support me either :(

    It's annoying but you have to put your foot down and say that you are going vegetarian and that it's perfectly healthy (when done right). Just because you're 15 doesn't mean that you have to do everything your parents tell you to - they're not always right. Research vegetarian health and tell your parents about it. Think about it, if being vegetarian was unhealthy why wouldn't all the vegetarians be dead or sick? If your parents are still concerned, suggest that you see a dietician

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