
I want to be a vegetarian but...?

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I want to be a vegetarian but my sis tells me there are 2 different types of vegetarian...the ones that just don't eat meat nor products that come from an animal,and the one that eats products that come from animals, but not the actual animal...which one do you recommend?




  1. Vegetarian- Eats No Animals, but generally they do eat seafood, shrimp fish, scallops, can have chicken stock beef stock so soups are okay as long as they dont have the actual product of meat in it

    Vegans Eat NOO meat or bi-product, no eggs, cheese milk, meat no meat stocks, so its extremely hard

    To be either it takes alot, and if you have eaten meat your entire life the first 2 weeks you will probaly feel sick.. just because your body is changing, i have been vegetarian, however.. you do have to eat alot of protein to make up for not eating meat, and just as a side note vegetarians/vegans live 5-10 years less then meat eaters.

    *If anything i would suggest trying being vegetarian there is alot more freedom there, and there are definatly health benefits and i have some amazing recipies i could send your way if need be


    Best of luck!

  2. Lena May

    you said milking cows does not hurt them and this is true

    but if you will watch the video below you can see that they are totally abused. Before I saw this video I had exactly the same views as you and thought that I would never turn vegan but now the only thing that stands between me and vegan-ism are free range eggs. This video brings to light all the cruelties that go on in the slaughter houses and it has the ability to leave you crying. I would know.

  3. Veganism is Very difficult.  You have to read all you labels...Go vegetarian first.

  4. vegetarians- do not eat any meat!

    vegans- do not eat any meat or animal products such as cheese, and milk

    you should be changing this because you believe in the good of animals, if you don't want to hurt animals then just be vegetarian, milking a cow doesn't hurt it, so i dont understand vegan!

  5. its your personal choice but start out as a lacto-ovo then if your comfortable with that you can start to introduce vegan foods in but still be a vegetarian sometimes is better then never

  6. I would do the one where u can have products from animal,but not the actual animal. That way u can eat,cheese,milk, and those things!

  7. it depends on ur preference

    not eating meat is hard enough but its even harder not to eat anything from the animal is even harder because that narrows everything u can eat down alot. but they are both very possible to do. You have to do alot of research to make u are getting all the nutrients u need. If u know someone who is a vegetarian see what they eat and ask them for advice. i would recommend first eating no animal but still eggs and milk then when u know more about the kinds of food u can eat taking animal bi products out of ur diet. it is very healthy to become a vegetarian u just need to know what ur doing good luck.

  8. it is easiest to be an ovo-lacto veggie, meaning that you'll eat eggs and dairy products.  being vegan is difficult, and either one will be challenging as far as getting all your nutrients.

    becoming a vegetarian can be very healthy, but please either take a basic nutrition course or see a nutritionist.  a lack of certain vitamins can actually cause brain damage.  good luck.

  9. its very expensive to be vegan

  10. She's wrong, there are actually 6 types of vegetarians.

    Semi-vegetarian: Eats chicken, fish, eggs, and dairy prodcuts. Doesn't eat geletain, and meat besides chicken and fish.

    Pesci-Vegetarian: Eats fish, eggs, and dairy products. Doesn't eat geletain, and meat besides fish.

    Lacto-Vegetarian: Eats dairy products, but doesn't eat meat, eggs, or geletain.

    Ovo-Vegetarian: Eats eggs, but doesn't eat meat, dairy prodcuts, or geletain.

    Lacto-Ovo vegetarian: Eats dairy products and eggs, but doesn't eat meat or geletain.

    Vegan/Pure Vegetarian: Eats nothing from animals. No eggs, dairy products, geletain, or meat. Mostly vegetables and plant based foods.

    I prefer being Lacto-Ovo vegetarian.. That's the easiest to start out with if you want to cut meat out of your diet completely. If you want to slowly get used to it, then I reccomend being a semi-vegetarian for a few months, then a pesci-vegetarian, then a lacto-ovo vegetarian.

    If your interested in being vegan, I reccomend being a vegetarian for atleast 6-8 months before giving it a try. I was a lacto-ovo vegetarian for 2 months, then I tried being vegan and it was extremely difficult, I wasn't totally used to cutting meat out of my diet, and I moved to a more complex diet when I wasn't ready. I lasted being vegan for like 6 days, literally. It was very difficult finding nutrition because I had so little expirience.

    Anyways, don't make it something you decide to do overnight either. Choose the type you want to be, then research about it, maybe buy a book, find foods/recipes you can eat, etc. The whole preparing process takes about a week, then give it a try.

    I'm asuming that your a teen and live with your parents, so buy your own types of vegetarian foods, and have your own little section in your family pantry to keep your vegetarian foods seperate. That's what I do:) It's alot more easier to buy the foods I know I can eat and keep them seperate than to sit for hours on end checking labels on the ingredients to the dinner my family is making. While my dad grills burgers, I cook my meat-less chicken nuggets in the microwave.

    If your going to be a lacto-ovo vegetarian, then I strongly reccomend triyng Morning star products. Morning star makes meatless foods like chicken nuggets, burgers, sausges, corn dogs, etc. from using soy ( from vegetables ) and vegetables, but it still has the same taste as regular meat, but with less fat and oil in it. I strongly reccomend trying them, they are so delicious! And you don't have that greasy feeling knowing that your eating real animals.

    Good luck making a choice, and congrats on wanting to be vegetarian, it's very healthy for you and is good for the animals and enviorment. Just make sure that your getting your nutrition by taking daily vitamins, and eating beans, rice, and vegetables. Good luck:)

  11. Vegetarians eat no animal flesh, no gelatin, no rennet in cheese, but they will consume dairy and eggs.  Vegetarianism is just a diet.

    Veganism is a lifestyle that seeks to reduce animal suffering.  Vegans, in addition to avoiding animal flesh and gelatin, do not consume foods with mammals' milk or chickens' eggs.  Vegans avoid clothing made with silk, wool, leather, and fur.  Vegans avoid cleansers, toiletries, cosmetics, etc., with animal ingredients and also avoid buying from companies that test on animals.  Vegans do not patronize zoos, circuses, rodeos, or any venue where animals are kept for the amusement of humans.

    There is no such thing as a pesco-vegetarian or a semi-vegetarian.  These people are omnivores.  A recently invented term, "flexitarian," describes people who have reduced the frequency with which they eat meat and/or the types of meat they eat.

    Ovo-lacto vegetarian and vegetarian are interchangeable.  Some people use "ovo-lacto" for clarification.  An ovo-vegetarian will avoid dairy, while a lacto-vegetarian avoids eggs.

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