
I want to be a vegetarian!

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I would really like be a vegetarian, but I'm afraid that my family won't support me in that. My family's always been there to support me, but I'm not sure that their going to like this. Does anyone have any advice on how to talk to my parents abou this?




  1. If your family have always been supportive in the past, I'm sure you have nothing to worry about.

    Just explain why you want to become vegetarian and let them know you've done your research so you'll be able to manage your nutritional needs - (e.g. getting enough protein, etc). Maybe even print out some stuff you've read to show them. VegSoc is a good place to start:

    Obviously don't expect them to cook your vegetarian meals for you. If they're cooking meat, you can make your own dinner - or offer to cook a vegetarian meal for the whole family.

    If they see you're taking it seriously and that you know what you're doing, I honestly don't see how they can have a problem with it. There are far worse things to have to tell your parents!

    Good luck :)

  2. Just be honest with them.  They may try to talk you out of it, but if this is really something you want to do, they'll understand.  Just don't be surprised if they think it means that the only food you can possibly eat now are salads :P

  3. well like a lot of things the best way is to just come out and sa it so don't make it a big deal just be like so mom I'm becoming a vegetarian! its not the end of the world your just not eating meat evert thing else is still there now if u decide to become a vegan that's another story  

  4. If you are serious about this, you should definitely know where you will be getting all of the essential nutrients that your parents will most likely think you'll be missing.

    They may also say that it is too expensive but this, of course, is only thought by people with no clue on the subject. Bread, pasta, cereal, rice, beans, peas, lentils, nuts, seeds, fruits and veggies are all that you need.

    All vegetarians should take a b12 supplement because even people that eat meat, dairy AND fortified cereals often have a b12 status lower than recommended.

    Minerals such as iron and calcium can be easily obtained in dark green leafy vegetables like mustard, collards and kale. These taste great when thoroughly wilted in olive oil and tossed with a splash or two of balsamic vinegar.

    You must NEVER EVER argue or lose it with your parents no matter how unfair they may be. It will only make it much more difficult if not impossible to get everything that you need.

    If they are doubtful of the potential of a vegetarian diet, they can take a look at the following links if they're interested.


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