
I want to be a vegetarian.?

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I want to be a veggie but dont want people to think I am because my sister is.I want to be onne before her but didnt tell my parents or anyone. Now my sisters one.What do I do.




  1. if its wat you belive in do it. who cares what people will say about you.

  2. Nevertheless, if the current uptrend is continue (and other factors remain unchanged), 43.2% of world population  will be vegetarians by the year 2019. (Even some survey & researches forecast much higher)

    This is where the world is leading to.

  3. Explain to people why you feel the way you do. My little brother is a vegetarian, and people give him c**p all the time like, "Oh, you're just in it because your sister is! Eat what you want, don't listen to her." Truth is, he went veg a few years *before* me and was much more into animal rights when I mostly went veg to be healthy.

    It doesn't matter what people think about you going veg. You're lucky to have someone there (your sister) to support you. ;]

  4. tell your parents.  It's not a contest, and they can help you, instead of accidentally slipping meat when you didn't want to eat it.  It may be easier, since instead of having one special meal, it's now a more even half.

  5. Be a vegetarian. If your friends and family care enough to judge why, they'll ask you. It doesnt matter that your sister is one because its your individual choice. Timing shouldn't be a factor if you just want to save the animals.

  6. be a vegetarian. it is saving animals and being healthier at the same time. it doesnt matter what other ppl think, they are just jealous cause they cant give up meat

  7. First off wanting to be one  and being one are two worlds apart.  Either you believe in the rules of being a vegetarian or you don't.  Apparently you do not or you would not be asking this question.

    If you are worried about what others think, you are not a true vegetarian at heart.  Sorry.

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