
I want to be a vegitarian! They just don't understand!?

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For some odd reason, I have this urge to be a vegitarian. Tonight I told my brother, and my mom. They just don't understand though!! They keep telling me that I only want to be vegitarian because my other friend, Katie, is. But that's not why!! I didn't even care when she became a veggie, but now I want to also, and I've never really liked the taste of meat and the thought of dead animals in the first place!

How do I explain to them with starting an argument that this is what I really want to do?




  1. I think you should  just tell them how good it will be.Just tell them how it will be like to avoid non vegiterian food items...Just say that u will like to try to become a vegiterian...

  2. Benefits of a Vegetarian Diet:

  3. I have the same problem. My parents could care less. I have been a Lacto-ovo Vegetarian for almost a month now, doing it ALL alone. I just pick up the food I need when my parents take me to the store. If I don't go, then they grab me pizza rolls or corndogs. It's like they don't even remember me telling them my dream a month ago.

    Anyways, I'm planning to become a vegan this summer. I just mentioned it to my parents the first time today, MAN i should have worn ear plugs. My aunt ( who lives with us ) was trying to calmly explain to me how it is ' Extremely expensive ' and how ' Im eliminating everything that I can eat besides vegetables. ' - which isn't true. My mom says it's too complicated.

    You just have to go on yourself. You don't need permission to be a vegetarian. Just know the health risks if you don't do it corretly. What kind of vegetarian do you want to be? Do you want to eat eggs? Dairy products? Nothing from animals at all? Just fish or just chicken? There are a boatload of different kind of vegetarians to choose from, you have to pick one first. This site may look a little young, but read the types of vegetarians;

    There are so many to choose from. Once you have decided which kind you want, then you have to find a to get the protein you lost from meat. Daily Vitamins, Dark green vegetables, BEANS ( I highly reccomend eating beans in atleast 1 meal atleast 3-4 days a week ), rice, skim milk, and granola bars. These sites have boatloads of recipes and things you can eat:

    Also, dont take a random jump and start tomorrow. Take a a few days making plan on what your going to do. Then buy the foods, and slowly give up little things. One at a time. Dont stop everything and change overnight, it will be VERY difficult, I promise. It takes about 21 days to break a habbit, so if you last 3 weeks, you'll be used to it.

    Good Luck!!!:)

  4. I'm lucky, my family were fine with it but heres some arguments for it

    Heart disease begins in childhood and a vegetarian diet REVERSES heart disease

    Eating meat makes you FAT

    We shouldn't have to lie to kids about what we eat

    In every package of chicken there's a little p**p

    Meat is filthy and bloody-YUMM

    Killing animals isn't fair

    No living creature wants to see their family slaughtered

    Eating meat causes "impoliteness" AHEM if you know what i mean

    By becoming vegetarians we help STOP animal violence

    No one should have to make a living by killing

    Only small people eat defenceless animals

    No animals deserve to die for YOUR taste buds

    The grain used to feed animals reared for food could feed the starving

    You can't call yourself an environmentalist and eat meat

    Animals are defenseless

    When animals feel pain they scream too

    They DON'T want to DIE

    They feel FEAR

    No matter how you slice it, its STILL FLESH

    Even PRISONS aren't as crowded as animals cages

    Everyone wants to be FREE

    Might doesn't make right

    You know its WRONG

    According to an American report veggies get an extra 7years of life and vegans get 15yrs extra

    just explain that its nothing to do with your friend its something you believe in. I sometimesget into arguments with my sis coz she became a veggie first and things i copy her. Shockingly shes 17 not 5.

    Another good idea is to tell your mum that you will cook a vegetaian meal once a week :D

    Good Luck.

    If that fails just eat around the meat your mum gives you.

  5. Why DO you want to be a vegetarian?

    You barely mentioned a couple of reasons here but did you even tell them that? "Because I want to..." may not be enough. You may need to back it up with more solid evidence. Not only for their benefit, but for yours as well.

  6. I am a Vegan. Tell your mum and brother that because of all the diseases now in animals, you don't want eat meat anymore. I have noticed since I became a Vegan I don't get as many colds, or as severe. Or the Flu. I eat no Dairy or meat. If you would like me to I can send some vegan recipes via email. Do you have a email address?

  7. First off, i think thats great! There is nothing wrong at all with making a healthy decision like this! I am 20 yrs old now and became a veg. when i was about 15 or 16. One of my challenges was that i distinctly remember caving in, and eating fish on a few occasions, but felt horrible about it afterwards. surprisingly I was able to easily stay away from any other meat products. After you go through the first week, you will certainly have cravings, but give it 2, or 3 weeks even and you will realize that you have come to a point where you dont even want a bite of flesh. I am actually repulsed by it now. My advice is, if you cave in during the beginning, don't panic, but learn from it and try to not make the same mistake again. But if you feel like you truly can't help yourself, maybe you could try to wean off of meat? One other challenge, that i am recently facing would be people who don't understand and are constantly questioning my decision, so be prepared to encounter people that may want to bring you down. Have a list of reasons in you head that are personal to you, that you can share when people harass you about it. And also-- (sorry this is long) i watched a few of those peta clips, actually i couldn't even finish them because they were so gruesome, but i'll find them for you, and maybe they will help discourage you from wanting to eat animals. All the best of Luck to you!

  8. Explain to them why you do want to be vegetarian; the abuse (and unnecessary slaughter) of animals, the harmful effects of the livestock industry on the environment, the health benefits, etc.  Read more about vegetarianism, the benefits, nutrition (I don't find it difficult at all to meet my daily values as a vegan, but most people are concerned about a lack of nutrients, so doing your research will help if they bring this up,) and the abuse of animals.

  9. Why explain to them at all?

    If they want to know, they'll ask.

    If they just want to p**s you off and push your buttons and start an argument... ignore that.

    Maybe your brother joined the basketball team just because his friend did.  So? Who cares.  Maybe you do want to be veggie because Katie did... who cares.

    Just do what you gotta do.

  10. just become 1 nd there

  11. just tell them its ur choice....and there is no change in it....

  12. The only way to convince them is to start being a vegetarian. Once a couple of months go by, they will take you seriously.

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