
I want to be a vet...advice needed

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hey ppls

okay so since i was twelve ive wanted to be a vet to help animals and open my own place and financially its a pretty good job , the whole thing that set me off of this career is when i talked to my guidence counselor she said it wouldnt be wise bc i am terrible at math...really bad and not so good with science and you need for that obviously...and i just would like to know are their any vets or pre-vets that share the same issues,

i want to help animals/and or ppl and make good money i want to be able to have a beach house and a cabin in vermont lol i know im only 21 and i have years to worry about success ppl say but time is short i wont be 21 forever and i dont want to wait until im 50 to enjoy my riches/money i want to be younger and enjoying it not saying anything against 50 yr olds dont get me wrong im just saying for myself i dont want to wait that long any help guidence would be greatly apprieciated




  1. Never listen to your guidance counselor. Can you step up your efforts in math and science? Can you get help? Can you start being more committed to math and science? It's not easy but if you have the determination and desire then you might surprise yourself especially if you really want to be a vet. It's very competitive and there aren't that many vet schools. You need high grades. Get working if that's what you want to do. You have to excel in math and science. Just because you haven't doesn't mean that you can't. You just have to put your mind to it and ask questions. Get help when you need it. You will have to put in more time and effort. Get with some people who are doing well. Get with your teachers. How badly do you want to be a vet? That is what it comes down to. Kudos to you for knowing how you want to spend your life. Now is the easy part, doing what you need to do to fulfill your dreams.

    edit: If it proves too difficult then you can always start a kennel and grooming business but let that be your last resort.

    edit again: The vets I know aren't in it for the money because there isn't a lot of money there. You have expenses like a doctor for humans but you don't make nearly the money they do. The vets do it because they love it.

    If you just care about the money then become a pharmacist. You will also need stellar math and science grades. You should major in Biochemistry in college.

  2. well i'd start off by going to your local vet office and seeing if they have any open positions.

    i used to work in one and they gave the options for you to go to school, at their expense, to work your way to be what you want to be, and if you cant be a vet, why not at least try to be a vet tech?

    idk, but that's where i'd start off at least.

    get your foot in the door, and make sure you really like it.

  3. If you work hard enough and dedicate yourself to it, you can accomplish it.  But understand that it may be harder for you to do so than for others.  How bad do you want it?

    To be a vet, you need to go to college.  You will need outstanding science, biology, and chemistry skills there.  Basically, you would be going to medical school, but you'd be learning to practice on dogs, cats, horses, pigs, sheep, birds, snakes, lizards, and more, instead of just people.

    As far as being able to do the beach house and mountain cabin by 50 - good luck!  A lot of people can't manage that by age 65 or more.  It's not impossible, but you will either work very hard, or be very lucky to accomplish it in that short of time.  You could help your odds if you don't have any kids, for they are very expensive to raise.  But is that the kind of life you want?  Only you can answer that.

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