
I want to be a veterinarian. and i stopped eating meat. can i still wear Jordan's and air forces?

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i know people who love animals like me don't want anything to do with animals being killed. but can i still wear what i want




  1. You mean vegetarian, right?

    If you truly love animals and don't want to hurt them, you should not wear any leather, fur, wool or silk.  Animals are severly abused when acquiring these things and they all die painful horrible deaths because of it.

  2. Honey, the animal wasn't killed for it's hide, it was killed for is meat. Vegetarians wear leather only the more redical vegans don't.

    BTW: the fake leather shoes aren't good for your feet, just ask any food doctor.

  3. Um look, you can be a vet and eat meat. If you havent realized, there is a reason they are here. Its a little to extreme, I love animals, but i still love meat, and leather in fact. THis is completely rediculous

  4. yup. everyone follows their own rules when it comes to these kind of things.

  5. If you really care about them, shoes would be a small sacrifice. If you've already got 'em, i'd definitely use them (i use all my old leather... no sense in wasting!). But if you care enough about the shoes, buy them. No one will look down on you. If you wanted to be vegan, you could not be considered so unless you did not wear leather, but vegetarians do.

    Honestly, it's a personal issue and i know i've struggled with it too (i decided against the leather, but don't turn down a hand-me-down jacket every now and then ;.)  )

  6. I wouldn't throw out your shoes, but I also wouldn't wear new ones. If you really love animals, why kill them for something as meaningless as fashion?

    Besides, Nike is a disgusting company. Child labor and sweatshops? I'll pass.

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