
I want to be a volleyball coach..?

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I have played volleyball for 6 years now and I love it. I plan to become a volleyball coach in the future after college. Is there a certificate or class I need to take to be able to coach high school volleyball? I'll coach middle school too if I have to. Any requirements I need to fulfill?? Thanks!




  1. There are coaching clinics and classes to become certified.  While they are not always required they can't hurt.  Try helping/working at camps as well.  The more you play and help with other players the better coach you will be.

    good luck

  2. I read through some of the other answers and they touch on many aspects of coaching.  For most places, you do not have to have any sort of certification to coach high school volleyball.  But it is also true that some districts require you to be a teacher to coach in their schools.  If you are planning on teaching for a major, some schools also have a coaching minor (I know mine did, but I did not take those classes to get the minor.....wish I did now).  I got into coaching by volunteering as an assistant and learning the ropes from other good coaches in a variety of sports.  I still learn all the time from other coaches (most recently I have been an assistant for basketball).  I love seeing how others coach.  I learn from all of them (sometimes good things and sometimes things I will never do).  When we started a volleyball program at my high school, I was lucky enough to have a lot of experience coaching other sports (both as an assistant and as a JV coach).  Also I had a huge passion for volleyball, so I got the job.  

    Our program is 6 years old and now I have girls that played for me that are finishing college coming back and getting into coaching in our program.  I love that they already have an idea of what I am looking for.   It is like a big extended family.  

    Finally if you can play in college that would be huge.  If you do not want to commit to that amount of time, maybe you could volunteer to help manage the college team.  You would learn a lot by being around the team.  Also if there is a local high school or middle school around your college you could volunteer to help one of those teams while you are at college.  You would have a huge leg up on all the others that come out of college and want to start coaching.  Your resumee would look great (I know that I would find a place for you to coach if you had that much experience after college).  

    Good luck and stick with it, it is such a fun sport to coach, especially if it is your passion!!!!!

  3. There are many resources to help you become a better coach. I highly recommend reading "The Volleyball Coaching Bible". The AVCA (American Volleyball Coaches Association) offers many clinics. Also USAV offers IMPACT, and CAP I-III certifications. No specific certification is usually required to coach at the high school level, but having attended clinics and coached at summer volleyball camps helps tremendously. Also consider coaching at the club level. This is volleyball played through USAV during the high school off-season, and has some of the best athletes competing at national level tournaments all over the country. Usually coaching club is volunteer work, but your travel expenses are usually paid for. Club volleyball teams are always looking for coaches and would be a good way to get some experience before you try to coach your own high school program. Good luck. The more you work with athletes and always keep an open mind about learning, the better coach you will be.

  4. most schools not all require head coaches to be teachers were I'm at but assistant coaches do not have to teach

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