
I want to be able to swim. without being afraid. 31...?

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I never really learned how to swim :( So basically I am still afraid in lakes and I wear a life jacket. I can paddle around in a swimming pool, but that's bc i can monitor how deep it is. I don't really go above my head at all. I can go under and hold my breath (with goggles and a nose plug) on for about a min and I don't have a prob with that-we even have contests who can stay under the longest :)

how do pp not get water up their nose when they swim? Im kinda afraid of that too. I would love to just be able to jump in deep water and swim with out being afraid or swallowing/breathing in water or paniking.

Any ideas? Thanks




  1. why not try swimming lessons they do them for adults, or you could have private lessons by yourself to give you the extra confidence .

  2. your breathe smells like beefy onions

  3. if you hold our breath its impossible to get water up your nose. Have a friend teach you. Or go to a class. Its easier then you think and your never too old to start. Good luck!

  4. Take swimming lessons with a good teacher.  I don't get water up my nose when I swim because I blow air out of it when I am under water.

  5. The only way to get over this is to face your fear, with support, don't go out alone, find a friend who is a strong swimmer and go out with them to a local pool at first, then try lakes.

    Put your head under the water and then bring it back up, this is called bobbing.  You have to practice not breathing through your nose, even  a little bit.  Some people just take a breath, not thinking about it, under water and that's how water gets up their nose.  Bob 15 or 20 times and then hold your head underwater for as long as you can stand.

    Swim with your head up, don't worry about what's on the bottom. Don't look.  Once you get more comfortable in the water try deeper water, still with support close by.  It'll take time, but you'll get over your fear gradually.

  6. In the swim team I swim at, there are many masters swimmers, swimmer who are about 20+ - the age of 80 still swimming and some of them have to same problem as you. I think you should try learning the strokes at first by watching swimming tapes that teach you how to swim, or get a private coach to teach you how to do it.

    You turn your head to the side to breathe just one eye above the water, turn your head back down and blow water out of your mouth or nose. practice it a couple times while standing up and see what you feel is more comfortable.

    I swim all the time and its nothing to be afraid of unless you really don't know how to hold your breath underwater, etc. but reading that you can do that,  I think you'll have no problem.

    After you learn all of your strokes, try to join a masters swimming program at a swim club and go to many of the provided workouts. Swimming as a sport is really healthy for your body and strengthen it too. It is always an amazing refreshing feeling after a workout, so I suggest you to really try it and remember that you are not alone, and there are many swimmers around your age who want to swim and are just learning. But remember, when you are frustrated in learning how to swim, just don't give up because once you do learn how to swim, you'll not regret the times you forced yourself to learn and be really healthy.

    Good luck! <3

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