
I want to be actress but I don't know were to go? HELP!!!?

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Do you remeber when you were little and you have that dream that you wanted to be a chef or a firefighter or a big football player. Well I want to be an actress and I not 7 I've wanted to be an actress since I was five and I'm now 13 and my dream could possibly come true.See my friend is doing acting with JRP and Acmie in la and she said she'll help me but I don't know were to start and her acting carriers going no were and I feel my dream slipping away and I just can't stand it!!!!! I want to be and actress I'd work hard and I'd raise the entire money myself I just don't know were to start Please somebody show me were to go!!!! Please Help ME!!!!!!!!




  1. It's best to be in theatre... A lot of people make the mistake of thinking they can just make it in the movie business without any training. Since you're only 13, you have a resume to build. High school theatre productions and even Jr. High productions can teach you A LOT. Plus, you have directors who are there to train you... All paid for by your tax dollars!

  2. Ask your parents to call the Community Theater in your city and ask if they have acting classes for your age.  The acting business will always be around, it's not going anywhere, you hae a lot of time to act.

  3. First and the most important your still under age so that means you must have your parents approval. That is the very 1st step.

  4. First off, you must have training of some sort. You will pretty much never get an agent without it.

    There are some great acting coaches depending on where you live. They will train you and maybe recommend you for other groups, such as Groundlings, which is improv.

    When they think you're ready (this may take years), they will send you back to the agent, or, you can just choose to make an appointment yourself.

    For your audition, you need to have two monologues and a commercial ready, for most agencies. One monologue should be comic, the other dramatic.

    Don't go in with any makeup on or in any revealing clothes. Look nice.

    It is also a good idea to get headshots done, though they can be pricey.

    Here are some tips:

    -wear bright colors, no patterns, and nothing too revealing.

    -no makeup/barely any makeup

    take some pictures with straightened and natural hair

    -have different facial expressions, such as smiling with your teeth and smiling without teeth

    -pose very natural, such as just sitting down. have a plain colored background.

    -normally taking them during the day is better

    -you photograph them straight on. they shouldn't turn completely profile, but a bit of an angle is okay

    -not sure what kind of lighting you need, but it needs to be balanced. no shadows on the face

    -yes, you can use a digital camera

    just make sure all your pictures are natural and not too posed. they need to look like YOU, not someone else.

    also, do not wear any jewelery such as necklaces, earrings, or bracelets. don't have your bangs in your eyes if you have bangs.


    you want to look young, not like a tramp.

    If you wear glasses, take pictures with and without them.

    You can go into a talent agency now and audition, though you will most likely get rejected. The point of this is that they can point you in the right direction. They can give you some names of coaches and places to go to get trained.

    Keep in mind that this might take a long time, depending on your skill level. If you really want it, you have to be committed. You also need to make sure your parents are committed as well.

    This will not happen overnight. It's lots of hard work; a lot more than people think.

    You also can't control which auditions you go on. Your agent makes the decisions for you. If they don't think you'll do well in Disney, you won't get any Dis auditions.

    Hope this helps :)

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