
I want to be an Early Childhood Intervention specialist. What kind of college/Major would I need?

by Guest62295  |  earlier

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I am in Texas. I want to work with infant and toddlers.




  1. I think Psychology, Early Childhood

  2. medical file

  3. There are two Early Childhood programs that are possible. One is early childhood family education and the other early childhood special education. Both are 4 year degrees.

    I was a psychology major with a minor in early childhood family education. At the time I was able to receive my birth to pre K teachers license with that.However, I believe that is no longer the case.

  4. you can get a undergrad in fields such as special education that emphasized in early childhood, get an early childhood with an emphasis in special ed, or get an undergrad in either sp-ed, early ed, early elementry, and many schools offers masters in early childhood special education. Do you want to work in schools?

    If not, you can get a degree is child development, psychology with strong emphasis in ch development.

  5. My son is in ECI in TX.  His team is a speech therapist (master's degrees), Occupational therapist (master's degree) & the specialist.

    I do believe his first specialist has a Master's degree either in social work or family counseling.  Something along those lines though.  I would imagine just about anything in psychology or social work would be quite useful in becoming a specialist though.

    Of course ECI also uses nutritionists and physical therapists.

    Let me know if you'd like me to get any further info from them, they'd be happy to tell me and his specialist will be here on Mon a.m.

  6. check out some local schools and see if they offer Child and youth care worker courses with addiction services added in.

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