
I want to be an actor/dancer/model but??

by  |  earlier

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i don't think am that good at any of this but i know this is my passion and i would to do this for the rest of my life, you think i should pursue it and take classes and be good at it or give up??




  1. stick with it!!!You would probably be a great model,actress,or dancer!!!

    i know i wanna be a model,and hip hop dancer.

    NEVER GIVE UP!thats the main thing.if you think your good at it,and can persue a career then go for it.there is no reason to back out.

  2. my advice is to pick the one that you feel the most passion for, that way you will be able to practice at that one thing and get better at it and that one thing will get you into the big time, if this happens maybe the other two will come with it, i can name hundreds of actors turned singer, and vice-versa, even a few models turned actor, and actors and singers are begged to model and advertise for companies

    Above all never give up, you may have something inside of you that you wont discover until you try! Best of luck!

  3. It all depends in your determination now, isn't it? try and gather enough inspiration before pursuing something as grand as a career, like this one. try and visit this site, it'll give you the information about starting up in the industry and then you decide whether you think that it's best for you. try this one:

  4. you cant really do all of those things at once if you dont have a natural talent for at least one. Sorry

  5. Dreaming big is great, but you still have to be realistic. No amount of "believing in yourself" can give you the ability to do any of these things well if you don't have it alreafy; you can't will yourself into being talented.

    We live in the era of Myspace and reality TV, and our culture absolutely thrives on the image of a plucky kid beating the odds and rising to stardom because he believes in himself and never gave up on his dream. We have the idea presented to us in the media so frequently that we start to believe that we can become famous ourselves as long as we're determined enough and we stay true to ourselves.

    The reality is that the entertainment industry is just that: an INDUSTRY. When you're at an audition, the people behind the table don't care how bad you want it. They care if you have the ability to fit whatever role they need to fill, and that's it. If you don't look the part, or you lack the requisite experience, or someone else auditioning seems to be more talented, you'll be passed over, end of story.

    My best suggestion is to not quit your day job. Enjoy the arts as a hobby, maybe do community theater or model for art classes or something. If you're in college, take some performing arts electives. You could even enroll in dance classes. You'll have fun, you won't starve between jobs, and you won't have to deal with the heartache of repeated rejections.


    just watch it

    there is your answer

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