
I want to be an actress but i dont know how to tell my parents?

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I wanna be an actress but i don't know how to tell my parents. I dont think they'll support me they never really do.




  1. well u gotta do what makes you happy not them.

  2. well just start off slowly and say things like i want to start drama classes

  3. me toooooooo wht shud i do????????

  4. mum, dad.

    i want to be an actress.

    thats what i told my parents..

    but only i wanted to be an actER.

    but they started sending me to acting classes and so on.

    either they will except it or not.

    the only thing that really matters is you.

  5. Tell them why it appeals to you and ask them wouldnt they want a chance to persue their dreams with their parents support.

  6. Just tell them that you like the idea of being in the theater, and was wondering if they would help you find a few local theater productions or acting classes at a community college, just so you can dip your toes in the water and see how you feel.

    It's always good to include your parents in your life ambitions.  So just ask them if they want to help.  It'll make them feel special. :)

  7. tell them.... but dont believe you are gonna become a hollywood star cuz you aren't.

  8. doesnt matter what your parents say, go for it, go to an audition and if you get in tell them mom and dad im going to do a commercial,they'll have no choice but to let you go

    if you could dream it then you could do it but work hard

  9. many actresses start out here. work hard in your school now and also join the local theatre to get practice then go try out for Juilliard

  10. Well I think you should say "Mom, I want to be an actress. And please support me." Because that's what I'd say to my mom and my mom would say "Of Course!That's great!"

    I hope I helped.

  11. your parents should already know if this is what you really want .

  12. It's hard to believe you really want to be an actress. If you do , you should be acting in school plays, in which case your parents would already know about your intentions. Don't make assumptions like that, (Oh they won't support me). If you really want this, you must be willing to fight for it. You give up before you start! YOU GO GIRL!

  13. when i told my mom, i thought she was going to be close minded and say 'that's horrible, pick something better" i spent a day talking to her about other things, then casually brought up acting and told her i love it, its something I'm good at and i think that's what i want to do. she is still sceptical even to this day, but she supports me and gives me advice every now and again. DO NOT AUDITION FOR SOMETHING..without your parents knowing. 1) They CAN stop you. 2) It will make them feel like you don't deserve to do it/your not responsible. communication is easy. and if they are not supportive,  you should tell them "i thought you would understand. acting i feel makes me whole." just tell them. and if they still don't support u...(idk if your in hs/college/middle school. if your in hs wait till your 18 then do it. go for it. if  your in college already just tell them that your going to do it with or without there help.

    (: hope that helped

    btw. good luck. acting is hard. it takes a LONG while before anything amazing happens, i would know. but keep holding on to that dream because so many people give up everyday that by the time you get what you want. theres a chance. everyone has a dream come true. maybe you have already has yours, who knows. but god owees  me ;)


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