
I want to be an orthodontist but I also want a second job can anyone tell me what would be a good second job?

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For my second job I want to be something like a pharmacists or a optometrists but I think you have to work as an orthodontist like all day and I would not be able to have time to be a pharmacist or an eye doctor so please help




  1. what would you need a second job for? Orthodontists are generally busy and well-paid. If you were to get a second job, i would suggest something that relates to one of your favorite hobbies. this way the job can be a sort of release/break from the ortho work... I suggest that you dream up what you would want this job to be and enter it into this contest that i found:  if you win, you will win the job for a day and could see what it would be like to have 2 jobs.

    good luck in whatever you do!

  2. Stay focused and follow ONE passion. If you try to do it all you won't be good any any of it.

  3. if you are a good orthodontist, then you will not only have time for a second job, you will not need one financially.

  4. Chetna,

    To be an Orthodontist requires 4 years of college, 4 years of dental school and an orthodontic residency.   To be a Pharmacist requires 4 years in a Pharm D. program after college and to be an optometrist requires 4 years of optometry school after college.  You would need to spend most of the next 12-15 years or so in school after which the student debt would require a second job.

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