
I want to be checked for a mental disorder. How do I convince my mom?

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My mother gets defensive everytime someone suggest that one of her children have a mental disorder. She has good reason though because she's heard and read about too many stories where children became guinea pigs after being misdiagnosed, and a "hyper-active" preschooler forcibly taken away from his mother to be put in an institution. I've read about mental illnesses where the people who had them had alot in common with me. Disorientation and anxiety attacks have always been a slight issue with me. I'm scared also because I watched a documentary that showed many higschool students involved with shootings (including the Columbine kids) were on drugs prescribed to children with ADHD. What do I do?




  1. You should take to a school counselor or a trusted teacher, if your mother won't listen.

    However, if you do that, you run a higher risk of what she fears than if she took you to someone in private practice.  There are many therapists, social workers, psychologists, and psychiatrists that are not out to kidnap you.  She should ask your family doctor for a referral.

    But, in the end, if you're not getting the help you need, then you DO need to speak to someone at your school.

  2. Tell the voices in your head they are wrong

  3. This world is filled with disgusting things.

    Open your eyes more wide, and search for something what you can interested in.

    Most people are such terms more or less and got them over.

    Please, relax and think what do you want to do your future actually.  

  4. The easiest way might be to tell your mom that you would like to talk with a counselor because you have some fears and concerns.  Then if the counselor feels there is a need for testing the counselor can speak with your mom.

    Sometimes the things we hear and read on TV show only part of the story. For example did the meds make the shooter at Columbine behave as he did or were the meds prescribed because he aleready had dangerous problems?   For a child to be removed from a home there has to be a cause and it has to go through courts and almost always a small child would be first placed in a foster home not an institution so this preschooler had to have some pretty big problems not just be a little overactive and his mom apparently couldn't or wouldn't cooperate in getting him help.  I don't know the child or his mama but there is almost undoubtedly more to it than that he was too active or didn't pay attention.  

    There are other ways to help ADD and ADHD besides meds tho sometimes meds are needed.  The other things can certainly be tried first.  One is nutritional,both what the person eats and what they don't eat.    For example sugars can make someone with ADD or ADHA worse.   So can some food dyes like red coloring.  Caffeine sometimes makes the person calmer.   Here is one site that talks about that in a lot more detail.   If you think you may have  ADD you can try changing what you eat and seeing if that helps the symptoms.   There are also ways to structure your day and your environment that can help.   For example doing something very active shortly before you need to sit down and concentrate to use up some of the extra energy.   Making your study area as distraction free as possible.   As much as you can make a sort of study cubicle like putting your desk in a corner of the room where you can not see anything but the walls and not having things around to look at or handle  or listen to.  Plan a study time and then an active break then a study time again.  

    I have learned a lot about natural ways to deal with ADD from ROCS Their website is  they don't give an email but there is an address for letters and a phone number.    I like their approach that ADD is something added not something missing or broken. Added abilities not less.  

  5. Your mom gets defensive because she thinks mental illness could be her fault. Typical, but very wrong.  And yes, the people that have a poor outcome from treatment, or lack thereof, always make the news.  Thousands, or perhaps millions do just fine, but that doesn't sell newspapers now does it?  Having worked with thousands of kids, medication trials are never (and I mean never) taken lightly.  There are risks with any medication, including such basic things as tylenol and motrin.  There are also huge risks from lack of treatment, which could include just having a supportive person to talk to. If you feel there is really something going on with you, that may need professional help, try telling your mom you need 30 mins of her undivided attention, and talk with her about your worries. If she won't take you seriously, most schools have a counselor available, try to set up an appointment with that person. You can also talk with you MD privately when you have your annual checkup.

    The Columbine kids, so sad, but why they acted the way they did is of huge controversy. I do not believe they were on any medication.  More likely, the adults in their lives were not paying attention. They amassed a huge arsenal. Somehow, I pray I might notice if my kid lived in a video world and collected guns.  They were also victims of being bullied.

    Good luck to you with your mom. Remember, none of us wants are kids to suffer, and sometimes denial is the easiest route (in the short term).

  6. If you're too young to go to the doctor alone then you're too young for a diagnosis. It's probably just hormones, stick it out and it will get better.

  7. I hope you get an answer soon :l I need to know the answer.

    Good luck x

    P.S. most people will say be honest with her.

  8. just be honest with your mum and say maybe therapy at least

  9. Eafyy is right, a lot of people will say be honest, but let her know that the chances of that are one in a gazillion. (Is gazillion a real number?) I have 3 friends with ADHD and one with ADD along with many at school. Those cases your mom heard about were prolly extreme cases, lies (Don't trust the internet or TV), or from when doctors weren't really sure how to handle the illness. That preschooler prolly couldn't control it's self and was becoming a danger to it's self and others. It would do you more harm than good to keep you off medication. Your life would become difficult, you couldn't pay attention in school. Your friends will wonder, 'why are you acting so hyper?' Soon you won't be able to control yourself. This is why you need medication. I've seen this happen to a 12 year old with no meds. It's bad no one wants him. Things went WRONG! But that's without meds, get meds and continue with your life. IT"S YOUR BODY! Not your mom's. If your mom disapproves still call your family Doctor and tell him your situation. He could prolly convince your mom. Good Luck!

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