
I want to be discovered, heres my story help me out!?

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I'm a 16 year old girl who is married, I've never played in any school plays only random church plays. I would love so much to show people who always put me down that I can make something of my life, that I can be someone. I would love to become an actress. 1 problem. . . I'm not sure how to start that dream off. I don't really know how to get people to notice me. I'm very shy, but i want so much to change that and let people say wow i shouldn't have put her down. I'm no longer in high school but i don't want people to think wow shes a failure and will never make anything of her life. PLEASE show me the way!!! Point me in the right direction to start my career and show me how i can become what i want to become!!!!




  1. if your shy, all bets are off. if your very tall, and very skinny you can always be a model. being an actress is tough, my acting coach says actors make an average of 10,000 a year. and you got married at a very young age!!! :X okay, well you better have at LEAST got a high school education.

  2. move to l a and go to casting calls and open auditions

  3. 1. Go back to school. You will get NOWHERE in life without a high school education. I'd also say go to college for acting.

    2. Do school plays once you're in school again, and take acting classes.

    3. Audition for community theatre.

    4. Once you've done enough small things and gotten a lot of training, you can send out your resume to agents.

    Everyone who's saying to get an agent has NO idea what they're talking about. You aren't going to get an agent with no experience.

    Also, acting is a terrible, low-pay, dead-end career. If you're doing it to show people you can make something of your life, you've picked the wrong career path. If it truly is your dream, you can do it with a shitload of hard work.

  4. You should get an agent! The other thing you can do is start out locally and establish a name for yourself in your city/town by looking on Craig's List. They usually have casting calls there for independent films and sometimes even commercials  or movies being shot in the area that need extras.

           Whenever you work on a project, TALK TO EVERYONE you can possibly talk to. In that business it's not so much about what you can do, but who you know. Connections will get you some great opportunities!

  5. Do you have kids? Does your husband support your dream? Are you working toward your GED or an online diploma at least? You need at least your basic education at minimum -- a few courses at a local college would be better to expand your mind. The more experiences you have the more you will have to draw on as an actress.

    Do you live in a bigger metro area where there might be a church with a drama ministry so you could act in those plays all the time?  That will help develop your acting ability even better.

    Start trying out for community and regional theatre if you can.

    And even if you are in college part time you could still possibly get a part in a college play or go to open auditions.

    If you are a Christian girl pray that God will show you the way.

    Maybe you can get work in a theatre and then you will have the inside track to knowing about all the auditions etc. and be able to look over the scripts.

    Keep going to auditions and connect with other actors. Keep working to improve your acting abilities.

    One day you will be a respected actress even if not suddenly famous.

    Being in the arts takes sacrifice and dedication. I know more writers and visual artists than actors but...

    1 visual artist in Omaha is very innovative and some famous people have his art in their collections but he still has a part time gig as a shipping clerk.

    1 playwright in the UK does set building and other odd work for a theatre and in turn he has the inside track to them producing his plays.

    1 playwright who is pushing 40 and graduated in theatre and writing from Mt. Holyoke -- a really good women`s college -- up until recently worked various gigs as a waitress; bartender; secretary; errand person; etc. while developing her base as a playwright and she had won awards along the way.

    1 musician in NYC who paints apartments when he is not touring during the day and plays blues clubs at night.

    1 musician in NYC who accompanies choirs and soloists and opera companies on the piano while working on his solo and duet (he works with a female singer quite often) work in his favorite genre.

    1 musician in NYC who works the early morning shift at Starbucks while playing with his band at night -- and he toured as piano player with a big classic rock star (think the same league as Eric Clapton and Rod Stewart).

    Many people in the arts are very successful and respected but yet not famous as we would think of it but they are successful because they never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever gave up.

    You have so many years ahead of you. You don`t have to make it big tomorrow or even for your ten year reunion.

    I know -- I was depressed and down on myself all the time as a young woman when I did not make it big as a famous writer right away.

    But you know what? I am happy raising my family and serving God and writing things I never thought possible -- coming up with new ideas and ways to make my plays better all the time.

  6. get back in school and go to college so you can actually learn the art of drama and acting.

  7. first of all, you should try finding an agent.

    or maybe make a bunch of videos and put them on youtube and see what happens.

    i hope that helps!

    remember me when your famous! haha lol

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