
I want to be haunted by a ghost what shoul i do?

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I really am not a big believer on ghosts or spirits but my friend is obssesed. I just want to see it with my own eyes.




  1. Many people would like this as well. Unfortunately some people dedicate years of their life to investigating and researching such things without ever having a first hand experience. Many had one years ago and start their search to explain what they experienced. There are also many arm chair skeptics that say they will be convinced when they see it but don't investigate or run experiments. I agree with the previous poster that you could always explain away an unexplained event as your imagination, etc. but I still think it worth the effort for you to attempt it. However, wanting to see something and be willing to go looking for something are very different. If you expect to go to one haunted place and see a ghost I expect this will not happen. If your willing to go wth your friend or other groups to investigate numerous sites then it might happen. Take a look at for a list of groups and reported haunted locations in your area.

    Michael John Weaver, M.S.

  2. That's easy, build your house over an Indian burial ground.

  3. I wouldnt want to live with one, just know where to find one.

  4. Believe in your heart that ghost exists!

    watch a horror movie over and over again. Like the grudge.imagine the ghost! And go to very dark and remote places!

  5. Visit places with a history of suffering and pain.  If there's an abandoned hospital, asylum or prison in your area, go there by yourself.  

      Also isolated places like old farmhouses.

  6. There is a knack to seeing ghosts that you can learn. The way you look at a 3D magic eye picture is the same with seeing spirits according to Psychic Medium and British Ghost Hunt host Sue Treanor. Here are Sue’s top tips for ghost-hunters:

  7. There is no such thing.  Dont buy into your friends delusions.

  8. I am going to tell you like I did my kids.Think very hard on this because once it happens you will discover that you have been noticed by them. They do not come just when you want them to and some can be annoying to say the least.

    They are there.Many people see them even though they don't realize it. They are not all mist or chains.Some seem really solid and you get a feeling that they are not of this time.

  9. I would never do this, but I think that if you take a Ouija board to a haunted spot, or somewhere like an old cemetary, or somewhere you know a murder occurred you might find a ghost.  But you have to have an "open mind."  If you go there and think "nothing's going to happen," then nothing probably WILL happen.  Go there with the thought that you are willing to let a ghost make themself known to you, and let them know that.

    My husband and I love to go to cemetaries that we know have very old graves and try to capture EVP's.  We actually caught a few at one Cemetary...  One sounded like laughing, the other sounded like an old man.

  10. I'm really not sure, but since I was a girl I've seen dead people everywhere (yeah, I've already heard the jokes)  Some are actually quite frightening.  Trustme, they are around and you don't even realize it.

  11. here are exact directions that are proven to work

  12. ok here is one way, which my nan and i discovered by accident..While staying in a very old small town in italy. I wanted to make some pot plants for our balcony. Few days later some workmen were digging up the road, part of it. So my nan walked over to them with a bucket and asked them for some dirt, which they gave to her. That night we kept the bucket on our balcony. When we went to bed that night a demon like snake thing came into our room and was there going about his own business. He never hurt us but we were frozen with fear..So many things happened that night. Soon as the sun came up it disappeared and my nan got straight up and took the bucket back to the hole and threw the dirt back in. We never saw it again..That was my very first experience, it was like watching someone from the past, like thousands of years in the past..Later i did some research and found out we got the dirt from a really old burial site. Then recently found what we had actually seen that night, they did indeed exist, it was a nagas..It was as tall as a man but had a body of a large snake...Then i did find out that if you take dirt from someones grave, youd be bringing their spirit you could try this..Ive always been to scared to go through that again...That is one night that has stayed with me since..The other way is to try and capture them or ghost lights which are spirits on your camera, in a cemetery is a good place but you do need a camera...Last week my friend died and a couple of nights later we went there to his house and started taking pictures, make sure its a dry night with no moisture... and to my amazement we captured a beautiful bright light flying around his back yard with a tail behind it, and some strange coloured orbs..I believe you can really capture someones spirit when they have just died, specially before their hoping to take photos at his funeral to see if anything shows up...There is another trick that i use to train my eyes to see spirits, and for people that dont believe in them cause they cannt see them...ok here is the know them 3d brightly coloured patterns and when you first look at them all you can see is whats in front of you, the can not see the picture that is hidden inside of it, so most people would say there is no picture there cause they cannt see it...well the idea is to focus on the pattern then go out of focus then refocus until your eyes can see the hidden picture emerge...The spirit world works in the same way, there are different levels yourself a favour and get one of them 3d pattern books then you will understand how the spirit world works and to train your eyes to see beyond of whats in front of you

  13. brutally murder someone.

  14. beware what you wish for...

  15. Depending on where you live, you may be able to contact paranormal investigators who work in your area.  There are groups all over the country that travel to location where paranormal activity is said to have occurred.  They examine the area with technology and look for activity.  

    Search the web for Paranormal Investigators and your state.

    You may be able to understand what and why your friend believes what s/he believes if you speak to some people who are trying to study the subject using scientific methods.  Good luck!

  16. You do not want to be haunted by a ghost. And if you try to do something to welcome a spirit in your life, mostly likely it will not be a nice one.

    You could visit places known for hauntings in your area, and see if you feel anything.

  17. Go to one of those Halloween haunted houses. Sure, the ghosts there aren't real, but ghosts aren't real anywhere else, either.   :)

  18. u die

  19. Yes, do like some of the others say.  Go places, see things, read things, imagine things and do everything you can to freak yourself out.  Keep doing it and keep doing it.  Eventually you will probably develop enough of a psychosis to hallucinate or have delusions.  This is the kind of thing that if you wish hard enough for it, you will eventually get it.  It's called schizophrenia.

  20. You don't wanna be haunted, just have an experience right? Well ghosts are everywhere, the proof is out there. First of all you need to be open minded to it! Sure you have heard the unexplained, seen that "thing" through the corner of your eye but your not a big believer so sure you did not think anything of it right? Try EVP recording, take some pictures somewhere you assume would be haunted but DO NOT mess around with a Ouija board!! Or have a seance without saying a prayer of protection!

  21. Seriously guys. I am 15 and i know more about this than you. That's very sad. Anyway. Spirits are everywhere. I would not recommend EVP because it takes too long. The secret to getting a spirit to become active around you is to have a lot of energy in your body. This acts as a beacon of light that will draw the spirit to you. You can meditate or pray or something. You can also open doors. The pentacle is one of the symbols you can use that will unlock the doors. Drawn a certain way, you can call any entity with it. A word of caution, the spirits most likely to show themselves to you are looking for stray energy from you. They will try to get it by exciting you in unpleasant ways. These are usually bad spirits and are called psychic vampires. Benevolent spirits will try to help you. If you are searching for a ghost of someone who died as opposed to a nature spirit or an angel or spirit guide, then you will probably find that these spirits contact humans for their own personal gain. Some need extra energy to move on and some need help finishing whatever it is they stuck around for. Some ghosts are not souls at all, but the mere reflections of the emotions felt by the person as they were dying. This concept was used as the them for the movie "The Grudge" although the real thing is far less dramatic and morbid. I, myself, have a nice, angry, sad banshee type ghost who has been trying to break through my shields. It is just the emotion of a woman who was shot to death several times. Nothing more. I think the most exciting thing to do would be to contact your spirit guides as they can teach you things. However, if you're looking for a fun party gag, you will end up nowhere as the Oui-Ja board is extremely dangerous and you will end up with weak demons feeding off of your energy. I learned this the hard way and had to see a reiki healer for help. My advice, the spirit world is not a game, it is serious and should be respected, not played with. Focus on your own personal spiritual growth instead of these childish antics. Spirits are not fun and the bad ones are not friendly. The good ones will not waste their time entertaining you.

  22. i feel ya. always interesting to see how something seems so weird, but its explainable. hmm i dunno go to a graveyard or something...

  23. go live in a cemetary

  24. No you don't.

  25. Well...tell your address,contact details,where u work etc. And I'll see what I can do. I'm considered the "Most Annoying Spirit" among my frens

  26. no evidence has ever been shown, ever.

    check out the randi prize and what it offers. where talking a million dollars to anyone who presents paranormal powers or evidence of the paranormal. plenty of fakers have attempted but no one has claimed it yet.

    ghosts don't exist. sorry bud. you may need to seek help for your friend depending on the level of his delusion and or his actions about them.

    no matter what anyone says delusional claims are not allways innocent. there is a guy on trial right now for murdering people because of his delusional beliefs in aliens.

    people can be hurt or die from delusional beliefs. assess the situation and seek help if it's needed. not a fun situation to be in =/ he is probably delusional but harmless but no one here can say for sure, only jonny on the spot can (thats you hehe).

  27. This is the best way to be haunted by a ghost.

    kill a person. then think that he/she will haunt you.

    if you want other ways here's how.

    destroy a tomb in the cemetery.

    always think that ghosts exist.

    do rituals.

  28. have a bunch of witches come to your house, and summon some spirits, you really dont wanna mess with that stuff anyways......evil

  29. Many just like you, want the very same thing. But if your a true skeptic or just an unbeliever then I doubt that anything that happens that is unexplainable you would not be willing to accept as paranormal.

    Case in point if I showed you a picture you could say it was fake

    If I showed you video you could say it was altered.

    If I let you listen to a recording you could say it was done by humans.

    If you seen with your very own eyes you could say that you imagined it or it was an illusion.

    The thing is if your not into ghost or spirits there is nothing that is going to convince you.

    As you can see I never took one side or the other in this question but because of other questions I have answered in this category I will get a number of disagreeing thumbs down by those that have different views of an opinion.

    To answer your question there is no possible way to give you a way see, that which you do not believe in. sorry

  30. use candles at night make a pitchers of the devils face on the floor with the candles then you and your friend use the twiggy board call out spirits of darkness a ask of you to come to my home and show a sign that you are hear the candles will blow or the lights will flick. here,s a good movie to see in July is called apartment 1408 if you can see a real one then you can see the movie that the guy gets his wish. of seeing a ghost.

  31. You are really weird...

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