
I want to be home schooled how do i get started?

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i live in texas if that matters




  1. talk to your parents that is the main start I mean if your parents say no, than looks like your in trouble.  And if they see yes, than you need talk to the school that your presently attending.

  2. try a correspondence school. then you aren't totally on your own.

  3. First you have to talk to your parents.  Homeschooling in Texas is easy... legally speaking.

    Your parents have to want to do it though, so first talk to them.

    Go to


    To find out more.

    Don't listen to all the people who say you have to use a correspondence school, or that your parents have to be certified teachers, none of that is true in Texas.

  4. You get materials to cover the subjects of history, social studies, english, spelling, math, science.

    That's the Texas minimum requirment so almost any system will work.

    You're supposed to notify the school, but that isn't truly manditory.

    If they send someone out, sick the dogs on them.

    Then use any system that works for you.  Books from Barnes and Noble, the library, thrift store or programs like Penn Foster, ABeka, etc.

  5. While this is not immediately relevant, once you are started with home-schooling, if you are looking at tutoring, we provide structured tutoring programs in Maths and English.

    You can know more about us on



  6. great! well, first tell your parents and see what they say. then find a curriculum you all like, or mix and match different books like we used to, and then you're basically all set! good luck with it!

  7. I expect you would need someone to teach you.  This might be a parent, or someone nearby who is homeschooling.

    says Texas is the "homeschool friendly state"

    is the Texas part of a homeschooling website.

  8. i've been thinking about becoming homeschooled myself too.  I've talked to my parents and we've been checking out a lot of online schools cuz we know my parents wouldn't be able to teach me themselves.  Like i know here in Missouri they have an online high school and i know a lot of colleges and universities have online high schools.  just search around a bit on the internet, you should be able to find something.

  9. yy yu wanna be home schooled

  10. Talk your parents into it.

  11. look up different programs. Cova is a good one. Oh, but be very careful when deciding to me home schooled. i didn't and it was a big mistake. But yeah, research online.

  12. 1. Find the what the laws are in your state. You can know that by going to your local library, by talking with a good school counsellor or by doing some research through Internet.

    2. Read some books and websites in homeschooling. There are many books available for free in libraries.

    3. Try to connect to a homeschooling support group in your area.

    4. If you are in High School level and want to convince your parents, make a plan of how you will be spending your time, how you want to collaborate at home and the reasons why you think homeschooling is the right thing for you.

  13. well to start off, you have to find a person, who has the right qualifacations, and if you find one they will help you with the rest

  14. find a person that does it. is first step

  15. Step one would be to get your care provider to agree to home school you, seems to me.

  16. I am homeschooled and how I got started was I enrolled in Griggs International Academy/ Griggs University. Their website is Check it out. I love it ALOT. Also it is an Adventist school so if you are a Christian this would really fit you. It did for me!

  17. As much as I understand the desire to be home schooled, looking back I must admit that there is a lot of "social" education that is missed with home schooling.

    But, to answer your question there are a few options:

    1.  Obtaining a GED (talk to your current school counselor or call the school district office).

    2.  Attend a correspondence school (try a google search for it)

    3.  Check  out a virtual high school ( like ).

    Are you having problems at school that cannot be worked out, or is this a response to dealing with idiots?  If you don't want to go to school because you have to deal with stupid people, you might want to change your attitude.  After school is done, do you think you don't have to deal with stupid people at work?

    Unfortunately, you will always have stupid people to deal with.  Try to find a way to tolerate them; develop infinite patience.  ;)


  19. Calvert school is a good program, but I don't know if they do high school. You have to be able to work on your own, but it does not matter where you live just get yourself into a good program. Some areas have home groups that you can socialize with other home school groups. Just check into it and see what it costs. If the schools are bad in your area you might want to let your parents know what is going on.

  20. ask your parents....

    if thats what u want go for it =]

    have fun... tell me how it is if ur parents say yes

    good luck!!

  21. You don't have to find a "qualified teacher" or go through an online school program, you don't have to get permission by the schools and in TX there is no paperwork to fill out. You don't have to hate school to homeschool, and you don't have to worry about socialization unless you're planning on locking yourself in the house all day-- there is a whole world outside the school grounds where life is bustling with activity and people that those who go to school don't seem to know about.

    What you do need to do is ask your parents if they would be interested in homeschooling. Look up some books on homeschooling in the library and read up on it... and if possible see if you can find a support group where people can answer your questions and your parents questions.

    Good luck.

  22. your parents have to contact the state to get the ok to do it and get all the paperwork.

  23. first you get your parents to home school you then you have to buy all the books that you think you need also the supplies for math and stuff like that.then you need your mom to learn how to teach you then your all set!!!

  24. Talk it through with your parents

  25. Get your parents buy in.

    It will cost money to use an online school.  Unless they plan to teach you, and it will still cost money to buy the books & materials.

  26. burn your school down and get expelled

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