
I want to be home schooled..?

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I hate public schools, ever since my freshman year in high school i've never found any good in it. I find myself skipping school more than usual and im probably failing every class. I just got into with my mom because i didn't go to school today. She told me she'll sign me out and get me into Home School. My brothers homeschooled too. Btw im only a sophomore. Im all for it and everything, but my mom is like " Your going to end up worthless, just like your brother! Throwing away your future!" I plan on graduating high school, and going to college. So why can't i be homeschooled, and do that too?




  1. You can definately homeschool & then continue onto college.  There are soo many highschool programs online that are certified.  THis means that upon completion you will get an actual high school diploma. Check with your local school board's home education department.  They will be able to give you more info, or you can google high school online curriculum accredited to get some info.

    Hope this helps.

  2. There's a lot to work with here.  First, homeschooling is what you make of it.  If you are willing to work hard you can absolutely finish early and move on to college.  The best way to gague if you are ready for that is to take a practice ACT.  The score you recieve on that will tell you how far you are from getting accepted into college, and it will tell you what you still need to work on.  If you talk to the schools you are interested in, they can tell you what the admission standard is.  

    If your parents are telling you that you're not going to amount to anything, that just means YOU are going to have to be the grownup.  You have to discipline yourself to do your work and get it done right.  This can be hard for a teen, but it doesn't look like you'll be missing out on anything.  

    If you talk to your local library they will probably have ACT preparation books available that you can use to take a practice test, or many of them subscribe to a database called Learning Library Express, which has computerized versions of the ACT and SAT that you can take to determine if you're ready for college.  

    Just remember that it is going to take a lot more discipline on your part to get the job done, especially if you want to graduate early, and this is going to increase the time you're spending with your mom, and it doesn't sound like she's very supportive.

  3. What a shame that your parents appear to have such a negative opinion of homeschooling - you should invite them to visit these boards.

    Yes, you can homeschool through high school and go to college. It sounds like you will have to put a lot of effort into being really self-motivated. Try reading The Teenage Liberation Handbook

    You'll need to develop a schedule, decide on a curriculum, and remember to keep accurate records for your transcript (entering college is a breeze for most homeschoolers). Check yahoogroups for local groups to go on fieldtrips or attend co-op classes with. It is possible to graduate early, but I would recommend taking it slow the first few months until you get into the swing of things.

    Best of luck to you!

    (Ignore the naysayers - how ironic that the negative poster above cites laziness as a reason not to homeschool and yet cannot take the time to spell Y-O-U...)

  4. whats the problem as to your reasoning for hating highschool? is it ur lack of motivation, or social interaction or being too tired to get up in the morning. these are all things u will have to deal with when u go to  college and go to the real world for a job. life does not get easier, so u need to toughen up. i think ur mom has a point if ur brother is lazy and setting a bad example for u. strive for better in ur life so u wont feel disappointed with urself. homeschooling is for lazy people, are u lazy? i should hope not. want more for yourself, u deserve it.

  5. You absolutely can but, you need to work with someone that can give you some leadership and accountability. You have to have your parents approval of course.

    Check with the library and local churches about a home school group. There are ton of them out there now. As far as curriculum, there is a lot to choose from. There is also virtual school (I personally don't like it, but in your case it may be a good option).

    As far as college, just keep a transcript of your own similar to what the school would do. Your parent will sign it and college will except it along with you SAT scores.  Colleges are actually very excited about homeschoolers. Don't let any one tell you otherwise.

    Check out this website for your state regulations and a lot of other info.

    You are not worthless! You truly can do anything you put your mind to!

    Email me if I can help more.

    Edit: The answerer above me is obviously clueless about homeschooling and shouldn't be answering on the board. Lazy?  That's interesting. My kids do all the subjects that public school PLUS things they will never cover. They work all day and still have time for all the sports and clubs they are involved in. They are living in the REAL WORLD every day, not the subculture of public high school which is nothing like the real world. It would be nice if people would actually know something about what they where answering.

  6. You're correct. The school system today is terrible, and the opposite of what your mothers says will occur. You'll turn out far better being homeschooled, if it's done properly with determination. You have the right attitude.

    Print this out from me and give to her (I'm a grandparent's age).

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