
I want to be homeschooled, but i am not christian is that a problem?

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I hate public school so i want to be homeschooled. my parents say it's okay, but i am not a christian is that a problem?




  1. Not a problem at all.

    You didn't mention what grade you are in.

    I have found it is easier to find secular material for middle and high school.

    I suggest the first thing you do and sit down with one of your parents and search yahoo groups for a secular group(or a group of your religious affiliation if you have one) in your area.

    Check out the message boards at

    There are many secular and non-Christan homeschoolers on the above forums.

  2. Nope, not a problem at all.  Homeschoolers come in all shapes, sizes, colors, backgrounds, and worldviews.  As long as you live in a country where homeschooling is legal (basically, anywhere but Germany), you can be homeschooled.

  3. Not a problem.    You've been listening to propaganda if you think that all homeschoolers are white, rich and  protestant.

      It ain't so.

  4. No, it's not a problem.

    There is a myth that only fundamentalist Christians homeschool.  The truth is that people from all groups - including secular - homeschool.

  5. Why should it be a problem?(?!?!)

    There are Jewish and Muslim and pagan and atheist and... you name it... homeschoolers. Do you think it makes sense that only Christians would be able to homeschool?

  6. Not a problem at all! You and your parents might have to do a little more searching to find secular curriculum materials (esp. science), but there is plenty out there. There are also many non-Christians who homeschool.

    I suggest you go to the library and check out some books about homeschooling, and also look up "secular homeschooling" on the web. You'll find lots of info.

  7. It's not a problem at all. Use books from Prentice Hall for science, Saxon for math, and anything you like for English and language, and something published by Harcourt for history.


  8. Christians aren't the only ones who homeschool. I don't believe in god or religion at all, anad I'm homeschooled, and I know homeschoolers who are jewish, budhists, egnostic, catholic, christian... All religious backgrounds, and all political parties as well from conservative to libertarian. I know slow homeschoolers who use materials taiored to a specific learning disability, and I know gifted homeschoolers who are way ahead of grade level and do some amazing things, and I know average homeschoolers. There are so many varying types of people homeschooling! Being Christian is certainly not a requirement. When you go shopping for curriculum, just look for secular materials. Anyone cana do it. Good luck!

  9. Not at all, there are plenty of people who home school that aren't Christian.

  10. It shouldn't be a problem. My school district has an alternative school that "sponsers" home schoolers/independent study. It provides the curriculum and text books for parents.

  11. You do not have to be a certain religion to homeschool. It is, admittedly, more difficult to find secular (not religious) curriculum, but it is not impossible.

  12. not a problem! I'm home schooled but i am a christian. there are plenty of homeschool groups and homeschool books for non-christians.

    not trying to sound religious

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