
I want to be homeschooled but people say its not fun and always get bored?

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Im not sure if i should be homeschooled. I have gone to public school for up to 6th grade and havent liked it. So im thinking maybe homeschooling but im not sure if i will get bored and then hate it? Wat do u do when ur homeschooled too?




  1. You still have to learn all the subjects and do your school work.  Then there is chores and after that you can do many things!  Live your life!  Go on personalized field trips that enhance your learning experience with your school subjects.  You can even serve your church body or community with the extra time you get when homeschooling.  

    If you try it and find out that it's a mistake - simply return to public school.

  2. If you are bored, it's your own fault. The good thing about that is you are actually able to do something about it. You can say "Hey Mum, I need to get out of the house more. Can I join the SCA, volunteer at the local animal shelter, get a part time job, walk the dog, take a pottery class, visit grandma" etc. You can say "Hey Mum, I don't understand this maths program, can we get this other one instead. The reviews say they have a teacher dvd, which I think will help." You can say "Hey Mum, I want to learn etymology, what do you rekon? Can you help me find some resources."

  3. I've never been homeschooled and I'm glad about that. I mean I would love to not have to wake up at 5:40 in the morning to catch the bus at 6...(which is now a thing of the past with my car! yay!) But I mean, the experiences you have and the things you learn, and all the people you just beats staying home all day everyday.

    After a while you probably would be bored out of your mind anyway. I just think school is a lot more fun. You hate it, but learn to love it. Especially high school, would you really want to spend the best years of your life in your house?

    Whatever floats your boat. But for me, going into my senior year, I know that I just have the best 3 years of my life so far, in school. lol

  4. If you are bored....check otu these Jacks personal ad Jacks excersice vid Jack the wild man Jacks second personal ad Jack pre youtube Jack's Widl ride of Dance  

  5. It really depends on how you handle it. If you get hooked up with a good homeschool network or Co-op then it can be incredibly fun and social. I was homeschooled and I had several hundred good friends who were as well. I certainly didn't lack much in socialization. The hardest part is training yourself to be more independent. It will pay off in the long run though. I think you will find college easier if you homeschool during High school. I certainly am.

  6. My daughter, who is 12, has been homeschooled since we removed her from school in the 4th grade.  She loves it.

    As homeschoolers often say, "We don't know why it's called homeschooling, since we are never home."

    She takes multiple classes, some with homeschoolers, some with kids in school.  Her classes include art, music, science, science, Tae Kwan Do, and horseback riding, and she has made close friends in all of these classes. She goes to a homeschool park day group at least once per week.  She is friends with all the kids in the neighborhood, not just the ones who go to the same school. She has more friend than she had when she was in school.  The real difference is that she can pick the friends she wants to have, rather than being forced to be with a specific group all day.

    All the best.

  7. Don't even go there.  YOU LUCKY DOG!!!!!!!!!!!  My Dad refuses to let me take online classes because I'm an introvert and I "won't get enough social interaction"!  Get homeschooling!  I've met a few homeschooled kids who said that homeschool was boring.  Look at it this way:  at least if you finish your work and get bored, you can get up and do something else!  In public school, you sit in that uncomfortable plastic chair, you rot with boredom, and you better like it too!  Either that or you get a detention slip.  In public school, not sitting in a chair and rotting is a bad thing.

  8.      Make your decision based on what you think is best for you, and not based on what other people think. Home schooling can be a good or bad experience, it depends on the family and how the kid(s) are naturally and how they're brought up, their home environment, learning abilities, etc.

         Decide to home school if you feel that you will learn more efficiently or learn more, or learn more of what you want, by studying independently(without a teacher telling you, but with you studying, learning from your course materials, and using the self-trust system with quizzes and tests.) Home schooling leaves you in your home with family a lot more than you would be if you were in public school 8 hours a day - is this best for you and your family? Decide if it's just the hard work, or the environment and learning process in public school that you don't like.

         If you do decide to home school, your experience will be enriched by joining a support group. These can be found on the internet, just like accountability groups. Sometimes one group even does both. You have to belong to an accountability group for legal reasons, but support is optional. A support group offers field trips, study groups, home school events and sometimes weekly classes, book clubs, teen groups, etc. Especially into highschool and teen years, support will prove important. With other home school friends and fun events, it's almost impossible to become bored. Home schooling can actually be more exciting than attending public school because you will be more independent and have more time and a flexible schedule for activities. Home schooled highschoolers are also better influences most of the time because they are in healthy home environments away from the constant inappropriateness generated by bored public schoolers. To sum it up, home schooling can be awesome for you, especially at this age, if you decide to make it one. Opportunities are endless. It may benefit you especially at this age.

         More and more families are home schooling in America, and they're discovering it's greatness. There are probably a lot more home school families in your community, or even your own neighborhood, that you don't even know about. If you have an urge to try homeschooling, and you and your family are willing to work on that adventure this school year, by all means go for it! You won't know what you're doing when you start off, but with time and insight from other home school families around you, it will get easier and easier. And just remember, by home schooling for a year you're not committing to a lifetime. If you were to realize it's not for you, your public school will still be there. Good luck!

  9. Are these homeschoolers who say it's not fun?  I've met hundreds of homeschoolers and never heard that complaint.  Do you think summer break is boring?  If so, then maybe you'll find homeschooling that way too.  

    The beauty of homeschooling is that you can decide what you want to do and when you want to do it.  You create your own schedule.  There are many activities with other homeschoolers and a more general population.  You choose the activities in which  you want to participate and work around that.  

    Homeschooling offers so many more opportunities than public school, getting bored just doesn't seem likely.

    Good luck :D

  10. I love being homeschooled. Im a senior and have been homeschooled throughout my high school years. It was my choice to be homeschooled. Im not usually bored. I work and do lots of extra curricular activities. It would really depend on what your were doing on the side of being homeschooled. If all you do is school work then yeah you probably are going to be bored. Being homeschooled is pretty much like public school except you have no classmates, you only have to go for like 5 hours a day and you dont have to ask permission to get out of your seat. lol.  

  11. i hav a friend and what she did was "tried out homeschooling" her and her mom made an agreement that she could try homeschooling for one year .. if she liked it she could stay if not she could go bac to public school. theres a lot less work in homeschooing becuz u dont have hw soo u hav a lot of free time wich is y peeps get bored. u just hav to make sure that u arent always stuck at home. so join groups or volenteer. also find other people who homeschool and try doing something like a study group. i go to a homeschool that im actully at school once a week. good luck

  12. I was homeschooled and enjoyed it. Basically, it gives you the free time to devote yourself to what you enjoy whether it be a sport, or something else. Most schools(or your parents) give you work that you have to complete. Once you finish, you are done.

    There are other ways to meet people such as church activities, community centers, etc...

    Also check into places like BIOLA Star, and charter schools. They often offer classes to go to. So then you get the "regular" high school experience.

    Homeschooling is really what you and your parents make it.

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