
I want to be homeschooled.?

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Not homeschooled but online classes. Isn't it alot more money than a public school? School starts for me August 11th and I'm so not ready to feel miserable everyday. I have been going to public schools all my life and never switched townships, i've never met a true friend all my life. I only have one true friend and she's my best friend since birth. She's all I need, really. I still have other friends to hang out with, though. My parents just bought a trailer so we're going to start traveling more and camping around Indiana and stuff like that. Uhm, so thats how I can socialize. I'd rather take online classes because my dad works when I would normally be at school. My mom babysits and doesn't really know how to do this kinda.. stuff. People allways say there is no social life, well i'll be traveling alot. I just can't stand public schools no more. Everyone is so mean, I can't even concentrate, the teachers don't understand you when your sick or anything like that.




  1. nite o had really got to do some research,  they must be a product of the public school system.  I have to correct some of their inaccuracies.

    1.  * Now for people who think home schooling will be less expensive than a public school are totally wrong because in America most public high schools are free of cost, while home schooling will always cost money somewhere along the line, for things such as learning materials

    The truth is public high school in the US IS NOT FREE!!!!    In the state of Indiana book fees alone run up to $1000.00 depending on what year your child is in. j This does not include registration and other fees.  Home schooling can be as expensive as you choose to make it depending on how resourceful you are.

    2.  Even if u do get home schooled ur still paying for books and stuff for other kids out of your taxes  

    Yes this is true, and even people who have no children pay for  the public school system through their taxes.  

    3.  In public schools you only pay for extra things you want your child to have/learn. Even the mandatory learning tools like books, tests, study sheets and work sheets are free of charge

    Again, this is not true.  You will pay book and registration fees, and depending on the school system these can be up to  $1000.00.

    4.  * Home schooling may get cheaper for you if you can find text books on the internet but then again you can never compare it with the level of confidence a kid can gain from a school.

    What confidence can you get from the public school system?  Does being bullied cause confidence?  How about  teachers who just pass you through the system because it is easier than actually teaching?  Or the teachers who will tell you that you are not smart enough to learn?  I am sure that really inspires confidence.

    5.  I hope this clears out everything. Unless there is no other option for you then to get your kid study at home. Don’t do it

    Yes, it clears out everything, it shows me that you are probably a teacher in the public school system, or somehow connected with the public education system.  You are the perfect example of what is broke in the education system and why home school can be a much better choice.

  2. You can use a free online charter depending on where you live. if there are none where you live, then there are some that are affordable like Progress Academy. If there is a k12 school in your area, I would definitely consider that first.

    Many online charter schools are popping up all over. Many of them are now using k12 products. k12 schoolsare good for many reasons. Each student is given a placement test and then given individualized curriculum based on his or her individual needs. With the help of online charter schools today, homeschooling can be much easier than it used to be. They provide you with everything you need, a computer, a printer, books, supplies, and teachers that you can both email and call for help and assistance. This is free and there are no charges. Online schools are definitely becoming a way of the future for the children in generations to come.

    Going to an online school is no different than going to a traditional public school or a private school. They graduate with a real diploma the same as any school. My son graduated from an online charter school and now attends a private university (University Of Dayton) with scholarships. They will also help you with making sure that all state required tests are done yearly and proficiencies are completed for graduation.

  3. Some of the parents prefer their kids to be home schooled. There could be lots of reasons behind that but it’s highly preferred that one should go to a actual school and get education from there.Once you are in a school you meet lots of new people everyday and it helps you learn how to communicate with everybody which will eventually help you when you will go out look for a job or start your own business. Now these kids also get left out in programs like Sports Day/Talent shows and stuff like that. Participation in these programs can be very beneficial for your child.

    * Now for people who think home schooling will be less expensive than a public school are totally wrong because in America most public high schools are free of cost, while home schooling will always cost money somewhere along the line, for things such as learning materials

    * Even if u do get home schooled ur still paying for books and stuff for other kids out of your taxes

        * In public schools you only pay for extra things you want your child to have/learn. Even the mandatory learning tools like books, tests, study sheets and work sheets are free of charge.

    * If there is something mandatory your state does not offer for free, your local library will  and your kids can have access to school libraries if necessary-per homeschooling and govt law, all minor children between ages of 6-17 are entitled to an equal education.

    * Home schooling may get cheaper for you if you can find text books on the internet but then again you can never compare it with the level of confidence a kid can gain from a school.

    I hope this clears out everything. Unless there is no other option for you then to get your kid study at home. Don’t do it

  4. Well.....don't worry to much about the social life.....that's a big concern when you start out being homeschooled and then are homeschooled the rest of your life, but you have been exposed to public school so I'm pretty sure that's not a problem.....As for the money issue.....My friend does online classes and I think it cost about the same as public school (If you added up all the little things like yearbooks and planners and those "Hey Mom I need 10 bucks" things)

    So just do some research and i'm sure you'll find something....good luck

  5. If you are miserable at school, that is a great reason to homeschool.  This info can help you get started:

    Here's a list of requirements different states use to make up their homeschool laws:

    You can find a summary of the laws for your state here:

    You mentioned online schooling.  Here is some information about computer based homeschooling:

    Most of these programs will walk you step by step through everything so it will be easy on your mom to get you started.  You could also consider using a virtual public school that is like having public school at home:

    I think it would also help you to join a local support group for information and support.

    Here's some info on homeschooling support:

    Good luck!

  6. Try to see if your state has an online charter school through them.

    Also, check out Connections Academy.


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