
I want to be in karate, but i dont at the same time!?

by Guest31727  |  earlier

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well ive been to karate for 3 weeks. (6 classes.) and now i wanna stop... but at the same time i dont! what do i do?? i told my dad and he said he was disapointed of me! and i still have 2 more classes for this month! should i go and see if i like it or not? and to see if i should go one?? HELPP!!!!!!!




  1. Definitely go to the last two classes.  Then talk to your dad about whether you want to continue.

  2. By the sounds of it you want to do a martial art, but probably not this particular style.  Finish the two classes (so as you know you can finish something once started and keep your old man happy) and tell your Dad this isn't the style for you.  Then look around for one that is.  There is a whole wide world of varied arts, so don't give up just because this isn't what you were looking for.  

    Good luck.

  3. Listen to what your heart tells you if it says go then i would but if it don't then i wouldn't

  4. Hi.

    You should defiantly stick it out for the last two classes.

    It could be that you really do want to stop but because of other reasons, like your dad being disappointed, you feel obligated to stay.  I believe that just about everyone should at least try martial arts but if it's not for you and you don't enjoy it then there's no reason to continue.

    At the same time the reason you want to quit might have something to do with the school, instructors or just the style in general.  This style may not be right for you but another might be.  Ask yourself what you would like to get out of martial arts and find out what you do like about this school / style.  Then you could talk to your dad about taking up a different style at a different school to see if you like it better.  Or at least visiting a school to ask about what other styles are like.

    If you do end up quitting make sure you talk to the instructor of your class and tell him that you are leaving and why.  Even if your reason is that you simply don't enjoy it, that's fine, he/she will appreciate the honesty and just the fact that you said anything at all about it.  As an instructor I can tell you I really hate it when people quit without saying anything, they just don’t show up the next week.  Then we are left wondering what happened to that person.  Far too many people do that...

    Anyway, you need to do what will make you happy and if martial arts or just this school / style of karate doesn't make you happy then you need to find something else.  Otherwise you won't get much out of it and you will never reach your full potential with it.

    Just know that there are many styles of martial arts out there that you might like better, even hundreds of different styles of karate (none of which, contrary to what the first answerer stated, are "weak"...) that are very diverse.  So don't even give up on karate completely if you decide to continue with martial arts at a different venue, there may be another type that you like better.

    I hope this helps and good luck :)

  5. There are alot of different self defense classes to choose from. Boxing, Jujitzu, Wrestling and other ultimate fighting. Just Go where u are comfortable. Karate is kind of weak. Go with your flow.

  6. In most karate schools you pre-pay for the month, or for a certain number of classes. Once you finish all of the classes that your dad paid for, then tell him you want to quit.

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