
I want to be inspired by ur hobby, (a hobby that earns u money)?

by  |  earlier

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ok i wanna know that kind of hobby that earns you money. i want to learn something at home and learn it by myself and eventually will be able to earn money from it.

can you give me ideas what i can study?

apart from web design. :)




  1. astrology..learning is easy..doesnot require any shop or can do it even at old age .the more older u r the more respected u are. learn whole heartedly..

  2. that depends how u sells ur +ve in the market  

  3. I don't do it myself, but try your hand at freelance writing. That means you can send in new stories (articles) and if they choose you they will pay you.

  4. i baby sit if that is considered a hobby you earn ALOT of money i earned 60 bucks in just 2 babysit jobs

  5. Cooking.  That can be both a hobby and a profession.  

  6. simple.just sell the scrap(newspapers..) at your home.get money drink heavily and **** hard.

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