
I want to be nice but I am dying inside

by  |  earlier

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I am a nice person ...kind understanding helping ....I have lost the love of my life to his marriage ....he is someone elses accepted .but after calling me his girl for 2 and a half years...yeah I am not bothering anyone and god bless them ...but i feel terrible...sometimes defeated completely..sometimes cold feet and like i might get a nervous breakdown...sometimes numb and sometimes weird...I tried everything to move on but i cant is so fatal kills you if someone else moves on....dont they feel the pain.dont they miss us? why one suffers ?




  1. Only time and a new love will completely fix this.  You will always have a special feeling, but the pain goes away.  

    Try some ice cream, and good movie....

    Then go out with some buds later.  

  2. gardening and landscaping? what?

  3. It happens to everyone at some time.  It is never easy, but I promise you will get past it some day, some way.

  4. I know a good christian would sympathize with you, but I find it hard to do so given the fact you have tried to break up another's marriage. I can never see any reason for this. I have seen such heartache caused by people such as yourself that I no longer have any sympathy. I'm sorry, but that's the way it is.BTW, why are you asking this in the gardening section?

  5. Consider yourself lucky, not to have had him desert you after--


    Having kids

    You are much older

    You are sick and tired of his fooling around.

  6. Why are you asking on this site?It is the garden site.Perhaps you need a good watering and some compost?And I don't quite understand.If he was married how come you was his girlfriend?I would suggest you just get over it.Maybe your not quite as nice as you think?

  7. im dyin inside befor e but jus said oh well **** it

  8. Not to be trite but when you fall off a horse its best to get back on.


    I am not sure why you ask this on a gardening site but you need  to get your priorities in order .if he was married then he was a jerk and you were wrong for dating him,, but you NEED to move on go to church and get yourself straightened out. take up gardening or some other hobby and find a single guy next time

  10. Hi Priya,

    THis is part of life. It is not that always things happen the way we expect. Most of the time it takes a different unexpected turn. I agree love hurts a lot when u terminate it. But you should rememebr that love is not everything in life. Think abt ur family and ur other responsiblities. It takes time, but u hv to pull urself to keep moving in life.

    Sure u will find a better person in life to join hands. May be he is not the right person for such a nice loving girl.

    I rememebr seeing ur other questions also.

    Msg me in YM if you wish. Sure u will feel good when u talk to some one to express urself

    my id is frndly20052010

  11. This is tough Priya. You are experiencing the other side of love, loved and lost. Most of us have been in your situation one time or the other. Time is the greatest healer. In the interim you are going to feel the pain. Hang in there. The loss of half of you will be replaced, in time.

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