
I want to be skinny really bad?

by Guest62938  |  earlier

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i am trying to lose 2-4 inches off my stomach in a month

I need a strict workout plan and diet plan

so please answer... because i want to arrive with a bang.. i dont want to look the same... plus i got these new shirts and all my jelly roles show when i sit down... its discusting and i want to be skinnier and tone up

thanks... cardio is really important for me...: )




  1. pilates really work in my experience, my friends and i bought on of the videos kind of as a joke but then gt kinda into it. try doing it like 4-6 times a week for maybe just 20 minutes a day. Then there's always crunches and bicycle kicks. Food wise, stay away from the sugary and salty foods as much as you can. And stick to protein like lean chickn breast

  2. Add a bit of running to your regimen. If you're not a runner right now then be prepared for a lot of pain as your legs get used to this constant use.

    I lost about 10 pounds in the last couples months from running 5 miles a day 5 or 6 times a week. After going up to 25-30 miles a week my legs are mostly muscle and my abs have flattened. I don't have a chiseled six-pack but I can easily get there in another month if I add some abdominal training to my work out.

    My results are pretty much only from running, I'm too lazy to go to the gym. Good luck, dude.

  3. Lift weights to tone your body. Dieting will just make that flab worse.

  4. work out like spining and do yoga and then strength training like lifting weights. cut out carbs and dairy cause they are bad for your body. Reduce your sugar intake. Try and eat all natural, no fructose or any of that bull ****. Doing this i lose like 20 lbs in a month.

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