
I want to be smart.?

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Im a thirteen year old male. I have one of the best memorys of anyone I know. I also can learn anything if I really set my mind to it. The thing is im overweight and im lazy. I don't study, i don't do my homework but I'll ace all my tests. Does anyone know a way I can motivate myself to do better in school and be acrive? I've tried more than 20 times. I succeded last year for about two weeks, but I stayed home sick one day and I fell behind again. Thanks for the Help!




  1. See if your school can place you into gifted and talented classes so that you Will be challenged and interested in your work./

    See a Doctor and/or a nutritionist about your weight. The solution is to use more calories than you take in.

  2. if u r overqieght  and lazy, you could be suffering from depression. depression can make you comfort eat, not take interest in anything, lack of moitvation etc. and depressed people are often very intellegent. but 13 is just the begining. it will get worse and start affecting everything in your life. so dont leave it untreated. speak to a shrink. pozac might help.

  3. where do u go to 13 too??   just study and work rely hard !!!
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