
I want to be strong so that I could hit massive shots in cricket? What should I eat to became strong?

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I want to be strong so that I could hit massive shots in cricket? What should I eat to became strong?




  1. strength is useful but not if u cant hit the ball out of the centre, get your balance, technique and timing right then concentrate on power, but with the right technique u don't need power.

  2. Spinach

  3. The problem with kids nowadays, I dunno if your a talented cricketer technique wise do not worry about it, get the technique right now and it will come later if your an average cricketer you should probably have protien and hit the gym but seriously if your good at technique wait like Hussey, he is now playing for Australia when he was a kid he could barely hit it off the square

  4. Lots of protein, and go to gym dude, you don't just magically acquire strength by eating.. :)

  5. cricketer technique

  6. i thnk wt u eat does'nt matter in cricket. specially if ur batsman.  important is ur legs and arm muscels should be fit. good legs for running btween wickets  and arms for playing pull shot like strong shots

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