
I want to be super duper smart ?

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No, wait . What i mean is that i need to find a way in which i can utilize my brain to the fullest and in the most effective manner coz i'll be taking up a degree soon and will be learning a few languages on the side to be a translator . I plan on learning as many languages as i can ( approx four ) within three years and be really really good at it .

So how does one become super duper smart ?

thanks ;-0




  1. wake up at 5 in the morning then study

    strawberry and milk for breakfast and study while eating breakfast.

    study all day until lunch

    then eat more strawberries

    get Nintendo wii - brain training and play that while u r having ur lunch


    eat strawberries


    study even more

    eat ur dinner(no junk food)

    then study till midnight.. drink coffee to keep u awake.

    (strawberries are apparently good 4 ur brain)

    i know its hard work..but you'll just have to live with it if u want to b super duper smart.

  2. Read a lot; not junk but serious literature in a wide variety of fields -- esp. hard sciences like physics, chemistry, neuroscience, etc. at the highest level you can comprehend.  Watch smart films and television shows that make you think.

    Do brain games and puzzles like Sudoku, crosswords, etc.

    Boost your brainpower with brain-augmenting vitamins and supplements, viz. the B group (B6, B12), proteins, anti-oxidants, etc.

    Read up on the concept of neuroplasticity.

    Hang out with smart people.

  3. I recommend learning German, Chinese (Zhongguo Hua, also called Mandarin), Arabic, and Latin (modern Italian is also acceptable).  These four diverse languages will give you the widest possible grasp on languages and their differences.

    Glad you are setting up such a difficult goal for yourself.  Even if you don't learn but one or two of the languages you will have accomplished more than most people do in their lifetimes, which are largely wasted.

    You will find spoken Chinese to be the easiest (although you may find it hard to learn the written characters) as all their verbs are regular.  Arabic is the hardest.  German and Latin are moderately difficult.

    The reason I recommend Latin is that it gives you a window into the ancient world and its literature.  Like a view from the shore of a frozen lake.  

    When you have learned to curse convincingly in all of those languages you will have mastered them.  LOL!

    There are two things necessary to be "super duper smart", stay focused on your task and work long hours.  This is hard to do but it works.  Being smart is nothing more than being determined.  It is an attitude not an ability.  Anyone can do it if they want it bad enough.

    If you master those four languages, the next languages you should learn are French, Japanese, and Russian.  After that Portuguese and one of the Indian languages such as Hindi in DevanāgarÄ« script.

  4. What fires you passion or stirs your interests?  What will motivate your imagination?  Once you know what this is, then you can go forward until you have exhausted that particular interest!  Just make sure you get started with something, before you lose the motivation!

  5. Start thinking super duper.  

  6. If ur a dude get a s*x change

    If ur a girl read a second book

  7. observe  and listen   WELL!!..very well.

  8. hard and incorporate your goals into your daily lifestyle...

  9. Speaking as a super duper smart person, you have to constantly improve yourself.  You have to train like an athlete.  Everyday you have to learn something new.  New words, new facts, new concepts.

    Everyday I log onto Y!A and answer some math questions to keep myself sharp.  Then I hit a couple of philosophy questions.  Then I learn 10 new words.  I watch 3 hours of documentaries and Jeopardy daily.  I read constantly.

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