
I want to be sure if first active bank plc , is a scam or not?

by  |  earlier

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hi , I had a massege from visa card lottery that i won million and half GBP , and send to me a letter of guarrantte , and ask me to pay 500 GBP to take the money ,is it right to contunie and take the award , or it is a scam , and what may happen to me if i pay these money for them?




  1. Its def. a scam if you pay the money youll never see it again.. You  cant pay for a reward it doesnt make sense.

  2. SCAM!  If you pay them the money, they will have 500GBP and you will never get your money back.

    Any email that says you won lots of money, or that they need helkp getting money out of the country, or any other "you will be rich" is a scam.

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