
I want to be vegan, but I'm afraid that I won't get enough vitamins. Would I need to take vitamin pills?

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I know B12 is a big one, what could I eat to get enough B12 and enough other vitamins to avoid taking pills?




  1. b vitamin complex. daily multivitamin/mutlimineral. and iron.

  2. its good that you want to try to be vegan, and great that your concerned about your health. you will need protein and all vitamins that you may not normally get. beans and tofu are great for protein. see your doctor before you try any drastic food changes, like this one for example

  3. Ask your doctor or a dietition about what you want to do or what you need, hope this helps!

  4. it doesn't hurt, the "unnecessary" vitamins will be rejected naturally by your body when you go to the bathroom :)

  5. no don't will be getting enough's a myth when people say that you won't get your vitamins if you don't eat meat...a vitamin pill such as centrum should be taken by everyone including meat you should take a pill like that but don't worry about being a vegan and not getting enough vitamins...vegetables have more vitamins than meat...just have to eat a larger quantity.

  6. I became a vegan about six months ago and I did a lot of research to make sure that I would not be missing any vitamins.  I find that as long as I eat a variety of vegetables I get all the necessary vitamins - except for B12.  This was actually my biggest concern because there are very few ways to get it.  You could take pills, but I tried and they made me sick (they can have that effect on some people).  Don't try to get it from multivitamins because the other stuff in them will actually degrade the B12.  Your best course of action is to get fortified foods.  I drink two cups of fortified rice milk each day and I get all the B12 that is required.  It is also a good idea to eat more things with vitamin C, like oranges, to absorb iron better since it is another concern.  You also might want to look into wheat grass because it has all the vitamins, minerals and proteins that you would ever require.

  7. it depends on your diet and what types of food you will be eating, my sister is a vegan and she has to take some vitamins like iron to keep her healthy

  8. Ask the right person called the family physician!!!

  9. Unlike omnivores, who almost automatically get complete nutrition from the variety of things they eat, vegans have to be very careful about avoiding deficiencies in their diets. It can be done - at least by fully grown, non-pregnant, non-nursing adults in good health - but you gotta work at it.

    Raising children (including adolescents) or making babies on a vegan diet is a very risky thing to do - especially since the risk-taker is someone else.

  10. To survive on a vegan diet, you will need to constantly take vitamins and you will need to sleep a lot, sometimes 16 hours a night in order to feel normal.

  11. good sources of vit b 12 include, offal, yeast, oysters, sardines and fish, eggs, cheese and breakfast cereals.  hope this helps

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