
I want to be vegan but....?

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I think it would be too hard to avoid the milk and eggs....its in everything! Any advice?

I have been lacto-ovo vegetarian for a year.




  1. I've tried that. I agree it was very hard.

    Try some vegan recipes

    Good Luck!

  2. They have substitutes at whole-food stores and Vegetarian stores.

    I've gone vegan for 2 years, but I got hooked on burgers and steak again :|

  3. To me it's hard to condition ourselves to different diet at this age, obviously I fear vegetarianism is miserable. It attacks one of life’s greatest and surest pleasures - enjoying good food. For those vegetarian parents, and kids those are born to be vegetarians are much much grateful (though i don't belief in reincarnation).

  4. how i became vegan was to do it for one week. If you challenge yourself for a week then have some dairy it wont seem so good anymore. I eat dairy once a week now and it always makes me feel gross. Then keep doing it tell you no longer want dairy. The first week is the hardest. Go buy yourself some veggie cheese and soy milk!

  5. Ignore the nay-sayers.  Veganism is a very healthy choice.  As a vegan, checking the ingredients of the foods I buy has become second nature.  I am pretty shocked that I didn't do it before, because there are some pretty weird things in foods.  Check the ingredients.  There are many things that are vegan, even though it's not labeled as vegan.

  6. Yes,

    Don't be a vegan.

    Then you can eat eggs and drink milk.

    Stay as you are.

    Well why complain about that it would be to hard to do?

    If your so convinced by the vids, it should be easy for you to do.

    Am I missing something here?

  7. whats wrong with drinking milk? infact its the drink of choice of many vegans. Go to India you will see...the birth place of vegetarianism.

    about the egg, yes many products have it..but then again there are many egg free choices too this days..for example egg free cakes and pastries, egg free deserts..there are surely many shops that specialize in this.

    I am not a vegan but I do go on a strict vegetarian diet certain days just to feed myself healthy..

  8. There really is no way to avoid them without cutting them out... I mean, Soy milk, but that's all I can think of.

    Good Luck...


  9. y do u want 2 b a vegan meat is sssooooo good just eat meat plants r living things 2 get over it

  10. sure, my advice is that you should not be a vegan. i just think it's so unhealthy, for instance it's extremely hard to get an adequate supply protein and calcium from being a vegan. there are also omega-3's in eggs, which are fatty acids that are very good for you. there are definitely vegetables that contain protein and calcium, but you would be so much healthier if you eat milk and eggs as well.

  11. Veganism is useless. You destroy your body and animals aren't going to thank you because they don't have the mental capacity to realize what you're doing.

  12. just try a vegetarian. its ALOT easier...and healthier

  13. I knew I would need this tonight:

    It's a nice, concise page on vegan nutrition which should be very helpful for you especially given all these ignorant answers you've been given here.

    For now, just cut down on your dairy and egg consumption. Use milk alternatives such as soy, hazelnut, almond, oat, rice, hemp, or coconut (depending on the recipes or item -- I like vanilla soy in chai and coconut in rice pudding) and try some alternative cheeses.

    Here are sustitutes for eggs in various things:

    There are a lot of foods that are naturally vegan such as peanut butter and jelly. :)

    Check out some web resources such as Food Fight grocery, PKK Kitchen (she sells some good books including "Veganomicon" and "Vegan Cupcakes Take Over The World") and Compassionate Cooks for support and ideas (Colleen at CC does "Food For Thought" podcasts about every week with a large archive which are very helpful and inspiring).

    There's so much more out there now too. The internet has been wonderfully helpful to meatless diets.

    It can be a really healthy diet, much better than those filled with animal products and processed foods, especially if you make your own foods -- if you don't then start learning a new food each week such as rice, then beans, then salsa... this is an especially good time to do it as this is peak time for produce in the northern hemisphere.

    As you go along you'll find out more and will be able to figure out how to avoid products or substitute when eggs or dairy comes in. For now, just do the most good, least harm and pat yourself on the back for what you are accomplishing not what you could still do. You'll get there. Relax and enjoy the journey. :)

  14. try and use milk and egg substitues.

    like soy milk or rice milk..

    also there are ice creams and deserts that are soy or rice based..

    they take a while to get used to but its worth it. and eventually you aquire a taste for them.

    good luck

  15. I know how you feel i am vegitarian too and a few years ago i became vegan and got very ill and was in hospital for 3 weeks so my advice to you stay vegitarain but dont go vegan

    I hope i helped you out thanks

  16. If you care enough you will be able to fight the urges... if you care enough

  17. Yeah, it's easy, people do stuff like this all the time.  So, there must be a way.

  18. Vegan is one of the more unhealthy things you can do to yourself btw.

  19. Okay first fools, the question was "I want to be vegan but....?

    I think it would be too hard to avoid the milk and eggs....its in everything! Any advice?"

    Not should I be vegan, you probably all suck enough to accept the believes forced on you by the rest of this world, you need to think before you act. But apparently some of your brains don't work well, a well planned and balanced vegan diet is healthier than a typical non-vegan person diet. We have less chance of cancers, heart disease, obesity, diabetes and other stuff. It's actually good for your body, most dietitians will tell you the human body strives on a balanced vegan diet.

    It's not hard to avoid the milk and eggs, theres other things harder to avoid, you just have to look things up or read packets of foods. For example some sugars contain bone char, most soft candy contain gelatin (animals bones, tendons and stuff). Some glues use bones to. Just look it up. For good vegan shoes buy "macbeths". They are great brand, support them. Most people around here buy them without realizing they are vegan friendly but they buy them because they like the look and designs of them.

    There's alternatives for pretty much everything...

    Nutelex is a vegan substitute for butter, tastes the same but is way healthier.

    There's lot's of chocolates, 70% cocoa chocolate is vegan friendly, taste gross though (in my opinion) but there's other good chocolates for vegans out there.

    Lots of things like cake mixes and stuff that are vegan.

    Soy milk, almond milk, coconut milk and stuff can replace milk.

    It's not to hard to avoid just don't let people tell you what your doing is wrong, stupid or unhealthy. Just say your an idiot because they are wrong and they assume things but don't even do the tiniest bit of research.

    I am not one of those vegans that will tell you that your life style is wrong but honestly, most people who just posted are absolute idiots, sorry but it's true. Just because someone is different doesn't mean that they are wrong.

    I hope I helped you out, Good luck.

    P.S. To who ever said animals wont thank you because they don't have the mental capacity, apparently you don't have the mental capacity to see what vegans are doing for you either, vegans don't only help reduce the number of tortured animals but what we do benefits people to as if is good for the environment and such.

  20. I know a lot of vegans.  You have to be dedicated to it in order to keep all of your stuff in balance.  It can totally be done in a healthy way, but you can't just dive in not knowing how to do it.  Get references and join groups online.  Being vegan is a way of life that you have to make sacrifices to participate in.  Boxed and prepared food is going to be hard to find.  On the other hand, there is sooooo much unprepared natural food that if you are willing to take that extra time and care of yourself to prepare your meals, you will do fine.

  21. I've been lacto-ovo veg too, even though I'm allergic to dairy, I still torture myself with it occasionally.  It's very difficult at times, but there are a lot of good dairy subs. now.

  22. it seems hard to do because all youll be eating is basically fruits and vegetables and tofu!!

    if you like cookies,brownies,cake and stuff like that you basically cant eat it.

    I was also a vegetarian for a few months and only eat chicken now (sometimes) because I get grossed out but being vegan sounds hard!!

  23. If you really WANT to be vegan then nothing would be too hard.

  24. When you chose this lifestyle be sure to take supplements because you can become malnurished easily. So if you are going to avoid milk and eggs you need to get calcium and Vitamin D elsewhere. Just be careful and make smart decisions with your health.

  25. why would anyone want to be a vegan? I eat and buy two of every aninal product just to make up for vegans.

  26. being a vegan is hard work. u being a vegetarian is doing a lot already.

    for the black lights....wouldnt u have to cover the whole room? do u only buy black lights in pole forms?

  27. Honey its very hard trust me

  28. Well milk and eggs are in a lot of foods, but none of the foods that contain them are that healthy.

    Try turning vegan slowly. Take out cheese for one month and adjust to how it feels. Then go for the eggs next month and see how that turns out.

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