
I want to become a Doctor.

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My parents say I should become a doctor but I'm more into engineering. Can anyone convince me with some reasons to become a doctor. I really want to become a doctor but i just feel like I know way more about engineering right now even though im just in 10th grade.




  1. do what YOU want to, medical school adn the doctor's they both become impossible if medicine isn't your passion

  2. You should do what is best for you! But you are only in 10th grade. Most likely you will change your mind many times. I certainly have. I still feel able to make changes and I am about to enter my senior year of college. If you still feel like engineering is what you want to do, you can major in whatever type of engineering you want, but still take the prerequisites for med school.  

  3. Still there is time for you .Then you try later for both and if your selected in either studies you take up the same field

  4. well if you are unsure i would suggest that you take some anatomy classes and see if you like it. many high schools offer courses in anatomy nowadays and who cares if you aren't great at it just yet because we were all born knowing little. i took anatomy for the first time in college and fell in love with the subject and i am becoming to become a radiologist. this is such a great field to go into. also if you don't have any anatomy classes around you i would also suggest that you take classes to become an EMT where you learn alot of anatomy there and also save people's lives while doing it!  

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