
I want to become a Junior EMT...?

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I live in Syracuse NY and volunteer at St. Joe's hospital during the summer but I want some hands on experience. I've been able to shadow a couple pediatric specialties in the past year and absolutely love it. However I want more, I'm trying to become a lifeguard at the Y but need a membership and have to wait a year. I'm 15 years old. Is there any program in the community that anyone has heard of that allows teenagers to become junior emt's that trains them to react in medical emergencies and gives them hands on experience. I thought I saw a program through the state last year but I forgot all about it and lost the name of the program... Thanks.




  1. Some high schools have a junior cadet program. Talk to your school counselor or even go to the nearest fire station and ask them. There is a need out there for EMT's so I'm sure they'd be glad to hear from you.

  2. In my community you can become a junior firefighter at 15, but need to wait until 18 for EMT.  We always suggest to those interested to join the community emergency response team (CERT).  Some high school programs offer medical training such as medical aides and phlebotomy.  That can get you started.  I'm a 20+ year EMT and still love it.  Good Luck!

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