
I want to become a Vegan and I am 14?

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I developed an eating disorder when I was 13 and I still struggle with it, but now I definitely maintain a healthier lifestyle. I bring myself to eat meats too easily, it sort of disgusts me now. I think I want to become a vegan... I figured it's a healthier alternative than starving and a great healthy lifestyle to live. I don't like meats themselves anyway. Can someone give me the ropes in an eggshell so I can maybe start. I don't think I want to tell my parents immediately either.




  1. Great! I became vegan when I was 13, and I've been vegan for more than a year. You can find lots of support on the internet, I just watch videos on Youtube of vegetarians and vegans. It's important to know how much iron, protein, b vitamins and calcium you get into your diet. It's easy to find these sources, just being consitent with eating them can be hard. Here are some sites to help:

    It's easy to just find information and support on the net... just google or yahoo it.

    And, watch a few of those slaughterhouse videos.

    Eating disorders are terrible, but a lifestyle or environment change can help them.

    About all those people who say you need meat, you don't. A vegan lifestyle can be easy and has GREAT benefits. I think at least vegetarianism is a MUST for everyone, or including fish is alright but I'd never do it. It greatly reduces the risk of cancer, diabetes, heart diseases, obesity, and more that I can't remember.

    Be sure you're ready to go vegan, it's a great step.

    I first became vegetarian (easily, just stopped eating meat at all) and then after 2 months I became vegan because I was sure I didn't want to eat animal products any more.

  2. nope you need to eat meats if your dr.s told you to and it sounds like this is an excuse not to eat or to modify your diet,.

      And if you have a disorder you need to consult a Dr. before changing a thing in your diet.

      If you feel this strongly about going vegan talk that over with your Dr. and find out what vitamins or other medications you need to take to make that happen.

    Good luck,

    but trust in your Dr.s decisions and not in people on here that are just gessing what is best for them .....not you (we don't know you)  SEE YOUR DR.

  3. start being vegetarian  before vegan, but as soon as you feel ready, go straight for it! you have to realise it's harder than it sounds, but it's way more rewarding!

    I got acid reflux when I was ten, which is similiar to bulimia, except I did'nt influence it upon myself, and went veggie when I was 11. if you go to they'll send you a starter pack with recipes and stuff, for free.

  4. that is a very good idea a vegan can not eat any animal protein. and there are many websites you can look on for support

  5. Hi, I'm a 14 year old vegan, so I can tell you that it can be done, but only if it's done properly. You have to think more about what you eat to make sure that you get te right amount of vitamins and minerals.

    If you go straight from meat eating to vegan you may find it a bit hard, but it's not impossible.

    If you don't want to tell your parents then you need to make some sort of phony excuse to by soy milk (or other non-dairy milk). Just say that dairy milk is making you feel sick or something. Make sure that you get non-dairy milk that is high in calcium and is fortified with vitamin B12. Try getting other foods fortified with vitamin B12 as well, unless you will have to take a B12 supplement.

    For iron and protein make sure that you eat legumes, tofu, leafy vegetables and nuts liberally. Veggie burgers are also good sources of protein/iron.

    Omega3 is found in walnuts, flaxseeds and canola oil.

    Vitamin D can be gained through exposure to the sun, some soy milks and apparently mushrooms (I'm unsure of that though)

    Calcium is found in soy milk and leafy vegetables.

    One day you will have to tell your parents. I suggest you go to the dietitian for advice.

    Some websites for recipes:,,

    Good luck =D

  6. Maybe try being a vegetarian instead of a vegan. It may be an easier transition for you and your parent will probably be more accepting of it. With being a vegetarian, you can still eat dairy products like milk and cheese and eggs.

  7. Well you're going to need to tell your parents. Do some research too, it's not something you just jump into impulsively.  

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