
I want to become a dermatologist, ?

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an oncology pharmacist, or an anesthesiologist. I am 16 years old, and don't tell me that it takes too much school or that it would be too hard. I am aware that it could take me around 12 years to graduate college, and I know it will be hard. I am ready and willing to put in all of the work. I want to know if you think I will be satisfied with one of these choices. Are these careers good choices? I don't care about the money, I just want to help people. I would really just like your general opinion on these careers.




  1. These are very good careers, anesthesiology is somewhat the most stressful. for dermatology and anesthesiology you'd have to go to Medical school, then around four years of residency. For pharmacy it all takes about 6 years to get the degree then a residency or fellowship in oncology.

    If i would choose one, it would be dermatologist, its a lot less stressful that anesthesiologist, yet its better than a pharmacist.

    Good luck!

  2. Those are all very noble professions. You follow your heart and your passion and you can't go wrong. Go for it!

  3. I know you can be wateva you want gurl az long az you ztay focuz and dnt get in no mix of boyz who will bring you down and be around pple who dnt want the best of nuttin then you got it. I dnt kno you but i kno you can! Ill be 18 next month and want to be either be in the nurzin feild or do hair and Ikno for a fact that im gonna do one az long az i ztay focuz zo ztay focuz and you got it!!!!

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