
I want to become a famous actress,where do I start?10 pts!!!!?

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I'm 13 yrs old and I love acting.Ive been performing on stage since I was 6.I really want to turn it into a career and become a succesull actress.I have the look,ya know pretty face and all (not trying to be conceited) and the talent and the confidence and determination.I live in a really small town but Im 1hr away of 2 big cities.Where should I start?Do I have to get headshots first,and then send them to agencies?Plz I really need help explain it as easily as you can.Also,I was wondering since I dont live in like LA can I tape myself for an audition, then send it to the casting ppl?tell me how this all works.Thankyou I really appreciate the help :D





    i'm finally auditioning this weekend!!!

  2. First of all, welcome to the most desired and craziest lifestyle on earth. I too inspire to be an actress.

    First, take as many acting class you can. In some places, they even have acting for the camera! Also, learn as much as possible about stage makeup. You could end up getting a role for the stage, and it WILL come in handy. Trust me there.

    A preforming arts school is a good way to go, because you get a lot of hands-on experience with school work, and you'll get introduced to lots of cool things like dance and art as well. I go to one, in fact.

    Finally, get an agent. You say you live close to some bigger cities, so look there. ALWAYS throughly research ANY agency as there are many horrible people that just want to exploit you and take your money. And that agency that comes about twice a year, and announces casting calls on the radio with spots for things like Disney? No. They tell you you're not perfect, take your money, and give you nothing but depleted self-confidence. I did some research on them, and had several lawsuits against them (the hurt victims won).

    That's about as much as I can say, for the moment. Break a leg!

  3. First, do some reasearch and find casting agencies in those 2 big cities around you.....They will offer acting classes as well as etiquet, head shots, and audtions.  Unfortunately, LA or New York is where its at.   You will either have to do a lot of flying back and forth or when your older move there.  For your personal self....sounds like you have the acting down but definately any work shops you can attend will only help.  AND take voive lessons-learn how to sing as well as dance lessons...the more versitale the better.  Also (espcailly for this buisness) its all about who you know and the connections you make.  So don't burn any bridges throughout your years and meet as many people as you can (remember first impression are the hardest and the one people remember the most-you only have a a minute or two to impress so make it good

  4. you can try this site to look for auditions: hollywood-opportunities(dotcom)


    You remind me a lot of me.  I too fell in love with the call of the theater at a young age.  Unfortunately, to make it big like you want, you have to be in L.A. or New York.

    Honestly, it's not as glamorous as you think.

    If you want to have a career in acting, you can start by school productions and community productions in the big cities.  There is also broadway auditions, performing arts schools, acting classes.  

    HONESTLY, IF YOU TRULY LOVE THE ART OF THESBIANISM, YOU WILL WAIT.  Take classes, participate in the school and community productions go to an arts school.  When you graduate from High School, you can go to an arts college and major in theater.  There are plenty of places that allow successful careers if you truly want it.

    and if you do go with agents and make it in the big leagues, be careful,  YOU CAN'T TRUST EVERY AGENCY OR "SCHOOL" THAT COMES ALONG

    John Robert Powers is an acting school you especially want to avoid, all they want is money

    (I am only 14 we should totally e-mail eachother)

    You cannot send a tape, but you can try in the big cities,

    I am sorry but this is the stone cold truth I had to realize last year, as well

  6. dont say you want to be famous thats number one cause casting directors and agents frown on that and think your passion for performing is false

    now take classes about getting into the buisness i did and it takes a very long time to explain the process to long for me to explain it right now or there are many great books that can help you


    and depending on the project you are auditioning for you CAN do an audition tape but you r agent should have the info about if you can for certain projects Saoirse Ronan did an audition tape for atonement and they called her back to audition in person so if you get a callback you will eventually have to do it in person but otherwise audition tapes are great!!! email me if you have questions im also a teen actress :) i can explain lore to you if you email me

  7. Holy fudge, my names Ashley Too!!! XD

    Anyblah, the best way is to get an agent. They have the advice. But ask your parents, because they don't have the time to bring you to LA even though you're just an hour away from my case. Lol. That's the only reason I'm still doing plain old Broadway theatre.

    The best way is to be involved in school plays and get your name out there. Then you can get a scholar ship in Theatre and you'll be one your way!

    Good luck!

  8. Yea. You have to Get perfessional Pictures, Full Body, and Head shots. Then send them to agencies. And if an Agency likes you then you will have to audtion to become one of there clients. And no you cant send tapes in for auditons. LA is were your going to have to go for all of your auditons everything is in LA. Auditions are a 1 or 2 day thing if they like you then they will call your agency. And also When you get signed to an agency you will have to sign a contract and when you get JOBS you will have to give them a certain amount of money cause they helped you out. And like i said LA is were everything is at so You will Have to be willing to move there or drive there. I live in S.D and when i get auditions i have to drive 3 hours. Oh and auditions arent very long its like a 5-10 minute thing. And if its and acting audition then it will be Like a 15-30 min thing.

    Umm, thats some of the stuff i know from expierence so i hope i could help =).

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