
I want to become a far left liberal, what steps do I have to take?

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I want to now join the tax and spend crowd, am tired of the way things have been?




  1. That's easy!

    Stop using logic!

  2. 1) Go to school beyond the 4th grade.

    2) Stop eating everything that Fox News spoon-feeds you.

    3) You can cling to the bible or the gun, but not both.

    4) It's pronounced nuke-lee-ar, not nuke-you-lar.

    5) Stop pretending that 17 year olds having unprotected premarital s*x is a wonderful thing to be celebrated.

    That should be enough to get you started.

  3. Do what I do. When ever you meet someone more liberal than you, immediately become more liberal than them. It drives the radical, insane right even more crazy.  

  4. First, react with feeling not with thoughts.  Second, believe that the Constitution is a "living document" or in other words, it says whatever you want it to say.  Third if you cannot get your policies passed by the legislature, even with all the help you get from the media, just get enough Liberal Supreme Court Justices to shove it down everyone elses throat.  Fourth, remember to keep up the mantra that the country is controlled by rich white men and no one else has any hope of succeeding unless the Democrat Party helps you.  If any minority or a female ever succeeds on their own, DESTROY them!   Fifth, create more and more government programs that waste billions of dollars, do not accomplish what they are intended to accomplish and attack anyone who tries to end them.  Sixth, attack, over-regulate, demonize and destroy all businesses while claiming you will create jobs.  Finally, tell people you will not tax them, then tax the h**l out of all businesses that will only pass that tax burden on to the taxpayers.


  5. The 1st thing you need to do is get a frontal lobotomy

  6. Decide that Bush, Rush Limbaugh, et. al. are "conservative".  

    Read Michael Moore (several books) who happily proclaims himself a "liberal".  

    Turn "left".  

    (Greg Palast books may help too)

  7. First you must get deprogrammed and then you have to start THINKING for yourself.

  8. Stop thinking.  Instead base your decisions on emotion.  Then join the truther crowd.  Also you can put on a goofy costume and protest in the streets chanting Bush is Hitler or whatever.  Breaking a few store windows and setting cars on fire during those protests are a plus!

  9. For starters, tell everyone to check the air in their tires for added fuel economy but you can ride around in a 6mpg limosine.

  10. You don't qualify.  You need a brain.

  11. A lobotomy is a first good step... feeling instead of thinking your way through life is a requirement

    Next join a massively communist/socialist university.  Find out where Ward Churchill is teaching now.

    Get a ham radio so you can actually pick up the weak signals of ErrorAmerica

    Learn to hate the successful (You'll need to learn to just call them 'the rich')  While you're at it, learn to absolutely hate anyone who doesn't agree with you.  Disagreement isn't enough.. you must hate them and treat them as if they are evil incarnate.

    Learn the bleats of your fellow sheeple - "Bush lied Kids died"... etc.

    Above all, forget every history lesson you ever learned and promise to blame America first for all the problems in the world.

    This should give you a good start.

    Oh!  And find a picture of George W. Bush, and draw a mustache, horns and a pitchfork on the picture.

    Good luck in the world of the ignorant and intolerent!

  12. u ready for this...?    all u have to do is use that thing sitting on top of ur shoulders inside ur head... we like to call it a brain...  now, i know i know, its a challenge giving ur previous state of mind... but i think youll find if u try it.. u might actually like it.

  13. Follow closely in the footsteps of Ted Kennedy, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, put blinders on to anything that does not come from their eyes, put ear muffs on your ears to anything that does not come from their mouths, decide to tax, tax, tax, spend other's money, take away our rights one by one, decide to kill babies still in the womb, support g*y rights, give our enemies ground, and try your best to live our lives for us.  That will get you started.

  14. make your homepage

    read the newyork times

    watch NBC news

    keep thinking all conservatives are evil and greedy

    blame bush for all of your problems

  15. Start by telling your boss he makes too much money. You need some of it. You'll be let go. Now the government will take care of you. Then you can start bit*hing about how miserable this country is. Can you start to see a pattern here?

  16. stop working, look for govt hand outs, complain about your plight in life while blaming someone else-it helps if you can blame the "white man".  Find something noble to fight for and then become so consumed with it that you become angry and vengeful and then warp that cause into some foreign version of what it was.  You could also adopt some socialistic or communistic views-that always seems to help.  

  17. Hate America for starters. Defend the murder of babies by calling it a womans right to choose would help. Take sides with terrorist groups who have attacked our country. Oh and dont bath. Liberals dont shower.  

  18. Step one get a lobotomy

  19. First off you have to start thinking for yourself. This is very difficult at first. Turn off the hate radio and you will stop being brainwashed. After a while if you have any intelligence at all, an original thought will come into your head. Being a liberal is very liberating. I'm sure you will enjoy it, once you really learn to think.

  20. Well the opposite of a far left liberal is a far right radical conservative. So i'd say if you do everything exactly opposite of Palin, you should be right on track.

  21. You could try to have that lobotomy you had reversed.


    The next time you choose a brain transplant don't pick Jerry Falwell.

  22. Sorry, you don't qualify:  brain required.

  23. Quit your job and get a gov't check good way to get started!

  24. turn off your brain and watch msnbc as much as possible.

  25. Learn how to vet people properly.

  26. You can't become a "far left" liberal. Liberals are not extremists. They are slightly left of center, especially in the US.  

  27. Think for yourself.

  28. Begin viewing yourself as a misunderstood, though obviously superior, victim and seeing conspiracies everywhere and you have the beginning..have fun...

  29. Well, just stop using common sense, and you will be well on your way, best of luck...

  30. Start thinking. Start using your brain. Quit thinking everything is black and white. Quit thinking if it makes a buck, it's okay.

    And quit thinking that being a liberal has anything to do with "tax and spend"....that's the Republicans!!!!!! (Who plunged the country into debt????)

  31. Well, from what I have noticed, the following steps should be taken..

    1.) Be hypocritical in EVERYTHING you say. Say people can't do something to you, but turn around and do it right back to them.

    2.) Be extremely violent towards conservatives. Protest anything and everything they do.

    3.) Finally - and most importantly - Smear Smear Smear....ALWAYS make the other side look bad, even if it means over-exaggerating things. Make yourself look like a saint and pay off anyone who has any dirt on you (ala John Edwards)

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