
I want to become a makeup artist

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I'm only fourteen but I'm very interested in makeup and would love to be a makeup artist when I'm older. What do you have to do to become one?




  1. i cry myself to sleep at night


  2. cosmotology school

  3. Errrrrrrr. go to makeup school

    to be one, you have to do peoples makeup.

  4. Although it is not mandatory, you could go to a makeup and beauty school and study some makeup. That is probably a good step for your resume.

    Another really good idea is to go on YouTube and look at videos and tutorials. Make notes of some of the skills (a lot of people have said that Enkore Makeup is a makeup guru and teaches a lot.. even though he is a man..and does makeup on himself). Then, try maybe opening your own makeup channel of YouTube and get the feedback from the public and maybe from an occasional professional makeup artist.

    When you're a little older, you can apply for a job selling makeup (maybe at Sephora or MAC) and then you can get a peak on the inside world of beauty and you'll get a better idea. You must know your product before you use it.


  5. OOOh, good question, I've been looking into this too lately. Ok, you might be able to start before you graduate highschool. Do a google search for beauty schools in your state, and then call around and ask what's the age limit. Then you will have some idea of when you can start. Then, lets say the age limit is mostly 16 or 18, for the next couple years you can do your own research. I like to watch youtube tutorials. Like search on youtube "how to do eye makeup" "foundation tutorial" "lip stick effects" "How to do a smokey eye look" "how to wax eyebrows" etc. Honestly, there are tons of videos out there. And practice! I bought a book recently called "don't go to the cosmetics counter with out me" by paula begoun. It rates every product out there, and will tell you like for example if a certain foundation goes on your skin flakey. It's a really good book, to help you know what products are the best to buy---because from what I understand, once you are in beauty school, you have to buy all your own supplies! Lastly, I would look around for a reputable school--something that will look good on a resume. If I do end up going to cosmetology school (after nursing school, lol) I want to go to one in hollywood, or L.A. because I just wanna feel like I'm learning from the best, most ambitious people in the industry. Hope that helps!!

  6. As a makeup artist I will tell you this is not an easy industry to crack into. You need to be a great artist not just do good makeup. Here are a few things that helped me when I began(and still do).

    1.What kind of makeup do you want to do? Beauty, glamour, editorial, fantasy?

    2.Read. Some books that will SAVE YOUR LIFE.  Fine Beauty by Sam Fine, Making Faces by Kevin Aucoin , Sephora has a new one out I can't think of the name but its great.

    3. Buy some makeup. Any good artist will tell you start with these things:

    3 liquid medium coverage fondation.  1 light,medium and dark to mix as needed. But if you know you will be working primarily on a certain ethnic background stay in that palette.

    A concealer palette in medium tones

    Eyeshadow palette in cool and warm tones

    o****m blush by Nars its good for every tone, every occasion

    Red(blue based,mauve,gold,pink lipsticks

    Smashbox foundation primer

    4. Invest in a digital camera from nikon take pics of all your work.

    5. Work with what you have. Ask your mom,sis,cousin,bff,teachers to model for you. Word to the wise: stay away from people who complain a lot. If the nag about everyone and everything else they'll do it to you.

    6. Do research some schools in your area but know that its not mandatory. If you are truly dedicated and want to attend a school after you graduate high school, google these: Empire, MUD,Cosmix

    7.Take classes. Idk where you live but there are some reputable artist who offer classes on an intimate and hands on level.

    8. Google and subscribe: Alcone NYC, billy b, pat mcgrath, makeup artist magazine, on makeup magazine, warpaint magazine

    9.Lastly, after you take pics,get a business card done. Get a MAC procard app try to meet the requirements and get one. Then take master classes thru them.

    10. Please take everyones advice with a grain of salt.

    Hope this helps and sorry for the novella! Lol  

  7. A friend of mine does makeup for the models of a very prestigious photographer. She got into it by first working in a salon and learning about skin tones vs. color tones, and then she got hired at Glamour Shots, which is a place in the mall where you get all made up and get your pictures taken. She was a makeup artist there for about 2 years. After building up a reputation as a makeup artist at Glamour Shots, she applied at Mac Makeup and was hired. From there, her work was seen by the photographer she now works for and she has been doing his model's makeup ever since. She absolutely loves her job and says she wouldn't trade it for anything. Good luck!!

  8. practice

  9. Hi! Id recommend you go to a school. like some people have said, you can start before you finish high school in some places. but DON'T do that INSTEAD of high school.

    I went into a makeup artist's school when I was 16, and believe me, its really fun... two years later I havent finished high school but I will soon, I homeschool, so thats how I could do both things at the same time.

    I am starting my own business now, which I havent done earlier because I was too busy with school. but now is the time :)

    So, yeah, go to and there are tonnns of tutorials which can give you an idea before you get started. Not all of them are good professional techniques though. I recommend you look for Sarah Victor, she's a girl who has the coolest makeup videos Ive found. I dont know her, but I love her tutorials, she does use good techniques, and a LOT of color! the only thing I would change, is that she uses too much blush sometimes. But, besides that, shes really good. Michelle Phan is another name with good videos.

    Anyways, I say you go for it, PRACTICE is very important, even if youre not a makeup artist yet, try to practice on your family and friends, as well as on yourself, as much as you can. Look for makeup in magazines, and if youre truly passionate about it, you'll be looking at everyone's makeup trying to determine what they are wearing.

    Once you begin studying, you will have to invest kind of a lot in materials, remember that quality in your products DOES make a difference. Of course Id recommend MAC, and I use another brand that's really good but they only sell it in Mexico (where I live) and if you want cheaper but still colorful eyeshadows, try NYX.

    Well, I hope this helps, and remember, when you become a makeup artist, that self-confidence is VERYY important!

    ohh, and VISION, you need to have a vision for the future, no matter how ambicious it is, you wont get anywhere without a vision. Dont be an employee for the rest of your life! My advice is for you to work freelance, and make your own business! it may seem difficult at first, but believe me, employing yourself is not the ultimate goal! You really can make your dreams come true if you ask God to help you and work real hard...

  10. go to a beauty school after high school

    help me?

  11. i also want to become a makeup artist. go into makeup schooling after high school, it'll be like working in a salon.

    i spend a good amount of $400ish a month on makeup, brushes, & stuff; because i only buy things from sephora, estee lauder, clinique, mac, and alot of good asian brands here

    it's a good thing your 14! i started to get into all this stuff when i was 13, and now i'm 17.

    to be a good makeup artist you need to know how to make evey face look perfect. you need to know how to work with every shade. you need to know how to do ALOT of things

    you need to learn how to do different looks like the smokey eye, a dramatic look, looks for nights out on the party, looks for weddings, etc. colors are important, too. you need to test looks & stuff out on people, my friends always want me to do their makeup because they say it looks sooo perfect how i do mines. they say i always tend to have a different 'look' everyday.

    if you don't feel so comfortable working on people, some sites [ not sure what ] have these face printouts, [ white & black, different face shades ] where you can actually work on. you can use products on the print outs, and see how it would look like on a real person. you can also test out on yourself, but i don't like that idea of someone practicing on themselves, because there are people of different shades, face shape, etc. oh! & don't forget a beginner makeup kit. in the future, your going to need a BIGG one, i have 4 hugee makeup cases filled with makeup. you need to get different shades of everything; foundation, concealer, eyeshadows [ mousse or reguler shadow ] blush, [ mousse or reguler blush ] bronzers, mascara [ different ones made for lenghtening, volume, etc. ], lipsticks, lipglosses of allll different shades, false eyelashes of different shapes & lenghts, and all that. VARIETY is the key. but, you don't need to worry about that yet, just start small.


    -hint. don't overdo the whole face. if you put alot of makeup on around the eyes, tone DOWN on the lips, and visa versa. because if you do alot of makeup in the eye area, and then like red lips, they will look like a CLOWN

    -hint. black eyeliner does NOT match everyone. if you skin is white, and your features are blonde, do a brown eyeliner. they will look like they got punched in the eye. they might think it looks nice and 'seductive' or whatever, but it looks ugly. the darker the skin, the darker the eyeliner.

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