
I want to become a oceanographer or a marine-biologist wat subjects must i take and why

by Guest62148  |  earlier

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i am having to make my subject choices in 10 days so i need to know wat subjects i am wanting to take.





  1. Marine scientists need a very good foundation in chemistry and physics.  Life in water is very different than life on land.  Many students who want to study marine biology think it's about playing with dolphins, but you will need a lot of math and science.

    Besides, biology (obviously), chemistry and physics, you should also be taking calculus, statistics, and as much in writing as you can.  There is a lot of writing in science.

  2. My second cousin and my step sister are both studying Marine Biology at University in Australia. I know they needed two sciences (out of Chemistry, Biology and Physics) and Maths Methods (we have three maths and that's the intermediate one) and obviously English because it's compulsory.

    Usually you will be able to look up courses on the University that you want to attend and it will list the prerequisites to being accepting into a course including the end of year mark you need as well as the subjects that you must have taken.

    Edit: It doesn't really matter which Uni you want to go to but you need to look at different Uni's in your area/country to see what the normal prereqs are. I've told you what they are in Australia but they might be slightly different where you come from and I would hate for you to miss out on your course just because you didn't check an actual Uni sit and just relied on Yahoo Answers.

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