
I want to become a party planner but need help?

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For now this is just an idea (but i am serious about it). I'm a 25 year old stay at home mom. A few years ago I used to work in law firms downtown Chicago and for one firm I planned all of our parties (x-mas party, st. patty's party, summer party etc.). The only thing is that I have no idea where to start. To be honest my husband and I don't have money to start a business so I just want to get my feet off the ground for now. Where would I begin??????????




  1. Since your a stay at home mom try venturing to Mommy and Me groups and plan different outings or play dates for the moms and kids to attend (Let your creative energy flow). It will be great experience and it won't be any start up fees associated with it (for now), then let them know your starting your own party planning business and ask if they need any of their children's birthday parties planned.

    Make up some business cards from home in Microsoft publisher and get the card stock from an office supply store, get creative and market yourself for small events (children's birthday parties, Sr. citizens events, girls night out ).

  2. Get all your legalities out of the way first. Check with the local SBA in your area. Research what type(s) of licensing you'll need for your area and services. I used to live in Sothern Calif, and it was very difficult to become food licensed, but now I'm in Texas, which has more flexibility for home based food businesses. So when I'm ready, I can go for a food license as well.

    Once your licensed and have your tax ID - the parties are

    only 10%, if that - Preparation is the other 90%. Hold an

    open house. Invite friends, relatives, other moms, etc. and let

    them know what you do and what you can offer them. Choose

    a target  age group to begin. Like maybe you want to do kid

    parties, or romantic dinners for two and target guys who want

    to impress their ladies, but don't know how. Don't try to do

    everything for everybody. You'll be overwhelmed - fast! This is

    just the tip of the ice berg, there's lots to do. Research - research - research. Write a business plan, even if you don't need to go for financing, keep it updated

    This is how I started, I'm not rich, but I can stay at home with my daughter, I can control my own schedule and I can do

    what I enjoy!

    Good luck to you.

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