
I want to become a police officer but i have smoked weed before, should i be open about that?

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i really want to become a officer, i have all my college credits, but i have smoke weed before. i know they ask you detail question and take polygraph test. like i said, i really want to become a officer, i know this 110%, i was in millitary for 4 years, honorable discharge, so i know im good on the phyical workout, good with firing weapons(i average 34 out of 40 on the gun range), and the discipline. i didnt smoke while i was in either! but did before in high school and i smoked after i got out. the last time i smoked was earlier this year. if i tell the truth, i might be killing my chances of getting great job, and the thing is, im see my self being a great officer even though i may have smoked

when i comes to the polygraph and the interview, they know whats really going on when they ask people about smoking.

should i tell the truth about my high school years, but leave out the time i smoked back in may?? and what about when they ask me, "have you smoked in the last few months?




  1. You have to wait 2 years of a marijuana free system.

    If you have shoted up anytime in ure life that will disqualify you.

    Just wait it out

  2. tell the truth and maybe they would think your an honest

    person. You know most officers go in trouble when they

    were young, i know this because my uncle is an officer in NJ

    and he wasn't a perfect person, he also has smoked and

    dranked beer.   :)

                                                Hope i helped

  3. I mirror what they two answers above say.  Be truthful.  A provable lie is the easiest way to wash out.  My only question is, If you really feel the CALLING for true, why would you pick up a Blunt back in May .  Sounds like you might have an interest in the trappings of the job, but not an idea of the responsibilities and stresses.  You have to police yourself before you can help others.

  4. You should always disclose everything they don't like people who have stuff too hide. Once you lie or hide something in this field of work your career is done. As far as the weed goes you have to check with the agencies you want to apply at and what the academy you want to go to requires. I know a lot of the agencies here accept candidates who have "experimented" with pot. But most of the time it can't be within prior 2 years of the application turn in.

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